Monday, July 29, 2013

New Loves

As I continue to finish my Craft Nook, I have found some new things that I love.  First is spray paint for plastics.  This stuff is great because it is for those smooth, shiny, hard to get paint to stick to it surface.  I found a nice green color to coordinate with the greens I have already used.  I had some painted metal baskets that were green, but too yellow.  This paint made all the difference.  Then I looked at that laminate material craft caddy Mike gave me for my birthday - I liked it before, but now how I love it!!  I need another can, but then I am hitting those Sterlite plastic drawers too.

So many ideas coming in from Pinterest for organization/storage as well as for crafts. 

Hubby began getting a little grumpy last night.  I asked him to stop at the local RV surplus store for 3 cheap cabinet doors.  He only found one of the sizes I needed, and that cost him $20!!!!!  My cheap garage sale cabinet was getting expensive.  That door is now going back.  He will cut me a panel to replace the glass in the existing door I was going to replace.  I need to think on how to cover the final section without having to buy those doors too.

I am also inspired to get purging and organizing the rest of my house.  I have a garage sale scheduled for in a couple of weeks and am looking through everything that can go.  Simplification..... will add some income to buy the baskets and other tools I want to use for organizing.  More space for living.  Less clutter for peace in my soul.  Maybe I will finally have a place for everything.

Wish me luck..... this is the week of de-clutter!!!!

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