Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th!

Last night we took the kids into the "Big City" to watch fireworks.  We weren't sure how Molly was going to do- she cries when Mike just uses power tools because she the noise bothers her.  So, with hope we took her to watch fireworks.  We picked up Mike's mentally handicapped brother to go with us and off we went.  We got there about 2 hours early, so we got a GREAT parking spot and a good spot to wait.  The kids got blankets and the grown ups chairs and we waited........

Mom, I'm HUNGRY!!!!

Mom, I'm THIRSTY!!!!


Out came the snacks and drinks I packed.  Out came the glow sticks for everyone except Steven who decided he is too old for glow sticks-----  Good, more for ME!

Pete and Zach began playing a game of ring toss with their glow necklaces and the drink bottles.   Even Uncle Charlie (Mike's brother) liked his glow jewelry.   Molly wasn't too thrilled with hers.  It was still light when I got them out but when it got dark and she could see the glow, well that was a different story. 

Once the fireworks started, we waited for the crying to begin.  It never did.  Molly loved them.  She clapped, she pointed at them to make sure Daddy (whose lap she was on) was watching.  She even made happy OOOOOHHHHHH's.  There were other young children there screaming during the boomers, but little Molly was enchanted with the whole thing.

Fireworks were a great success. 

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