Friday, August 2, 2013

We're In Trouble Now!!

Last night when Mike to Molly back to bed, I had put the baby gate up in a different spot than normal.  Usually it is behind her doorway, to block the basement stairs.  But Zach and Molly have a new game that involves Zach pushing a stuffed animal around in the umbrella stroller and Molly pushing one in her toy babydoll stroller.  But Molly kept hitting walls in the little hall by her room so I gated it to keep her out of the hall with the stroller.  ANYWAY...... Molly was walking back to bed ahead of Mike and she walked up to the gate, and released the tension bar......  We always knew she was smart and watches everything, but Zach calls for help taking down the gate because he doesn't like to do it!!!!  From now on we need to be sure the locking bar is behind so she can't reach it.  29 months tomorrow and we are in trouble!!!

And while I am on here, Happy 2nd Gotcha Day, Zach!!!  For those that don't know, in the life of an adopted family, Gotcha Day is the day when the child comes live with the family. It the day we Got You.  It's just as important as a birthday.  Molly's Gotcha Day is coming soon... Aug 6 will be her first.  We love you guys, and are SO glad we Gotcha!!!!

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