Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wrapping up the Loose Ends

The boys finally have their own rooms. Monday afternoon I surprised them when they came home from school with moving Pete's things into the second bedroom. Yesterday while I was making dinner, Steven came charging upstairs to me (the boy usually "lumbers", so the charging is a nice change of pace - or so I thought) to say Pete had locked himself inside Steve's room over some disagreement they were having. I know, you can't believe that siblings have disagreements. So, downstairs I went. After knocking on the door I calmly told Pete that if he wanted to be in Steve's room so badly, I could very easily move his furnature back and they could share it again. I never saw the boy move so fast to get back into his own room!!

I should have known not to be so confident about the sale of the house. The sale is still on but the closing has been delayed. We were to close today, but I got the call yesterday saying the buyer's bank was not ready to close yet. So now I am waiting for the new closing date. In the mean time, I know they closed the sale on their old house over the weekend and were counting on moving in this week. He is a minister for the Missionary chruch in Sturgis. I bought my first home (on Prospect St) from the Missionary church 18 years ago, so I feel like we are completing a circle that was meant to be. Thinking back, I really wanted to be in that house before Christmas, but my bank was making things miserable trying to buy that house (I was only 20, and ended up having to ask my Mom to go into the bank with me to try to get things moving in the right direction - trust me when I say you do not want to envoke the wrath of Deb Fair when you are messing with her offspring!! "Nough said.) The church let me move in 2 weeks before we closed so that could happen. So, now my turn to complete the circle. I called my realator to tell the buyer can go ahead and move in as planned on Thursday. The buyer called me last night very thankful that I would make the offer. Now I have that warm, fuzzy feeling. It was the right thing to do.

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