Sunday, March 14, 2010

What a Week

I am exhausted!!! I have been either moving things here from Sturgis or sorting through the things I brought to make room for bringing more things every day. Friday my sister came down and my parents came over to help. We filled her van twice, my Trail Blazer twice, mom's car once, and dad's truck once (and then of course unloaded them all too). I tried really hard to go through things Friday night, and drafted the boys to take the food and cleaning supplies up to the pantry to put them away. Pete did a really good job putting as much as he could on the shelves neatly. After sorting that stuff out of the boxes, I was too pooped and too achy to do another thing. The problem was that we had help coming Saturday and I needed that room as clear as possible before they all arrived at 10 AM (thank goodness we decied to start late!). I fell into bed and was asleep before Mike knew where I had disappeared to. Up at 4:30 Saturday morning, but energized and ready to go again. I had the motivation needed to finish up what needed done. We had 3 guys and 2 trucks to add to my blazer, Mike's van and the trailer he borrowed. All the big stuff is now moved. I have just a couple of things to bring back when I go to clean everything up this week. The realator says we are on track to close the house sale on the 24th - a great birthday present for me - no more house payments!!!

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