Thursday, March 4, 2010

Best Wishes

After several delays, the last of which sent my even tempered, nice guy husband into a fit of rage, we are finally into the basement and have the whole house to ourselves. The boys slept in their own beds for the first time in a month last night. We had a couple of very productive days moving things from my house, unfortunately, all the items ended up in the living room and hall way until yesterday. I spent yesterday running up and down the stairs taking things down to the basement. On the bright side, I told Mike that when we are done with this, I will have the thighs of a teenager!! My very unreasonable family told me today that they need laundry done - how could they think they all need clean clothes to wear to work and school? Don't they know how often I am running to the basement already? Sighhhhhh. I've already done 3 loads this morning. I didn't even check e-mail yesterday and had 33 new messages this morning, only one of which was spam. Now that I am re-connected with the world, I am able to get on with my day. Here's wishing you all the thighs of a teenager too!!

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