Friday, March 26, 2010

From Fair to UNFAIR

Things feel like they are settleing down here now. Mike has returned from his mission trip to Puerto Rico, we finally had a contractor from the insurance company look at the rental house and will be getting our estimate on that the first part of next week, most of the stuff is sorted and put away from the move, the sale still is progressing well. So on to the next challenge. Steve goes in for a minor surgery on April 1 to make a revision to his Mitroffonoff (sp?) - or the passage the doctor made through is belly button to his bladder to cath through. This should be a very easy, peasy surgery. Mom and Dad will go with me to the hospital, and Mike and Pete will stay here since Pete still has school. How UNFAIR!! Steve gets to start spring break 2 DAYS before Pete!! Steve is worried that I will forget to write the note to get him out of school early for break - silly boy, doesn't he know that mom always takes care of everything?

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