Friday, February 12, 2010

Living In A House Of Royality

When we took in a stray cat several years ago, the boys named her Princess Fiona, after the princess in the Shrek movies. She wears a jeweled collar, as befits her royal status. But when we married Mike, we added a queen to our household. Really, Santara is the Cat Who Would Be Queen. She believes that I am the biggest intrudered into her kingdom, tolerating me only because Mike does. Mike is the one who made her believe in her royal status, and she definately makes her wants known. Yesterday she was Meowing in the bathroom while Mike was getting ready for work and I heard him turn the shower on briefly and then off again. knowing he took his shower the night before I had to ask "You didn't just turn the shower on so she could get a drink, did you?" A sheepish "Yes" was the answer. When I told him I would have just let her go down to her dish in the kitchen, he said "If you asked me for a drink, I would go down and bring you one back up here". How can I argue with logic like that?

1 comment:

  1. Steve---Tim loves that book, did you know there are 2 others in that series? Jack can't wait until I say he can read it.

    Pete--Tim loves that book, too. Do you think I should let Jack read it?

    We love you both---happy Valentines Day!
