Friday, February 5, 2010

Yesterday I called my realator, slightly unhappy. When we signed on with him, we were very hopeful. He had a plan, even in this economy, to sell the house. Every 2 weeks would bring a price decrease, a little higher realator commision on it to encourage realators to bring their clients around to us and maybe that could be the push if our house was a top contender in the choices. So, the first price change came as promised. Only 2 people have come to look at the house. I saw there is an open house on the house accross the street from mine on the 14th and waited almost a week to hear from John. Nothing. So I called him yesterday - oh, yes, let's piggyback an open house for us onto that one - good idea. Yes, I was going to call you this week to talk about lowering the price again, let's get that done before the open house. I know the economy is bad, but we need to get this house sold and the payment gone. Anyone want to buy a really great house????????

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