Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It's So Agrevating

Mike was using my computer the night before last and noticed something did not seem to be running quite right on it. He thought to run a Norton virus scan, but my Norton icon was gone. He then followed the trouble shooting off their website and as directed he removed the Norton. He then went to re-load it and got the message that if we had purchased our Norton less than 60 days ago, the re-load was free, otherwise pay now. So back we go to look up when we bought it - we knew it was recent. 63 days ago we bought a 2 year subscription. So on to the phone to call and see what can be done. The number we called gave us another number - 2 1/2 hours later we hang up from sitting on hold and go to bed. Mike got from the hold message that he could go on line and schedule a call back from Norton. So, before he leaves for work yesterday he tries to set that up. The only time available (and he could not go farther into the week) was 1 AM Wednesday morning. So he gets home and calls the number again after dinner. 5 hours later (and he had a priority number last night) he hangs up from hold and comes to bed. We are now very frustrated. He is calling the first number again tonight to either demand an immediate call back, or a refund and we will buy from another security provider. Not only is this frustrating, it is making my husband very cranky from the incovience and lack of sleep from getting to bed late.

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