Friday, February 19, 2010

Putt- Putt

Last night I had to take my Trail Blazer over to Chevy to fix the heated seat (the best thing EVER invented!!). On the way back home, Mike and I drove by the used car lot and I saw a little electric car (around the size of a golf cart I think) - the City of Sturgis has one they putt around town in. I said "Oh, isn't that cute. I could use that when I just need to run into town instead of getting out the big car". Mike kind of grunted and home we came. Today he ran home on his lunch hour to bring me back to Chevy to get my Blazer. He called me while I was driving home, and said he had stopped to look at my little Putt Putt. He agreed it was very cute (it's even red, one of my favorite colors). There was no price posted on it though, Sighhhhhh.

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