Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Boys Are Back

Yeah!! The boys are back to school today. I love my kids, but yesterday was a day of extremes- we were either having a really great time or the fighting made me just want to throw them both out into a snowbank. Luckily we have someone who will plow the driveway here since it is so long. We went out to dinner last night and I had no idea the snow was as deep as it was (and we had it plowed once Tuesday night). These are the days that make me love my SUV even more than I normally do - and the 4-wheel drive made Mike happy since he took my car to work yesterday morning. I have to go over to my house today to try to shovel ( I am saying a little prayer that the snowblower can handle all the snow) out the dirveway for the open house on Sunday. I hear there is more snow coming Friday, Sat and Sun now, so we will be out there again one more time. Winter in the mid-west - gotta love it.

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