Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Sunday we went to the Middlebury Church of the Brethern to help host a lunch done as a fundraiser for Mike's Puerto Rico Mission Group. My contribution was to be making 2 chocolate torts. Saturday we were out all day and evening and did not get home until 9 PM. So Mike was recruited to help make desserts - it was after all HIS event. Sunday it was off to church to help with the soup and sandwich lunch. Steve went off with some friends and Pete was stuck with us. When he gets bored, he tries to be helpful, so he was in the kitchen buttering bread for the grilled cheese sandwiches. Mike decided I would be useful helping him serve desserts, and Pete (who has never cooked before) wanted to grill sandwiches. After watching him try his first couple, jobs were re-arranged and he was doing desserts with Mike and I was grilling - 20 years at McDonalds prepares you if you should ever have a grilled cheese emergency. An hour later the event was declared a sucess and we got to eat. Sadly, they ran out of soup and sandwiches were getting scarce, but there was plenty of DESSERT to go around!!! When it came to clean up, Mike disappeared(??) and the boys dug right in. I was told by several of the ladies that they may not know how to cook, but they sure could clean. They didn't even have to be told what to do for the first part of clean up. I guess being a single mom for so long did them some good - they have been cleaning up since they were old enough to throw their toys into the playpen before we put them to bed. See, mom is good for teaching them something.

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