Saturday, May 1, 2010

What Are The Odds?

When I took Steve up to the U of M hospital in Ann Arbor last September for his regular, every 2 years check-up, it happened to fall on the college move in day. The campus was a mess!! Cars everywhere, campus police all over the place, certain roads closed or only one way to try for a controlled chaos. Unfortuanately for those of us who just wanted to get in and out of the hospital, it was not easy. With all the cars parked everywhere, the roads were narrow, and my regular route shut down. I don't like driving in a city when I don't know where I am going and with all the bumper to bumper traffic and cars waiting for parking to open up to move their student in, well, I'm sure you can imagine how grateful I was to get back onto I-94 and on my way home. I vowed then and there, if I ever make an appointment around that time again to make sure it is not move-in day. So now, we come to Steve's appointment on Thursday. We got into Ann Arbor and traffic was heavy. Hey, we are in town later than normal, so maybe I just usually miss this. Then we pull onto campus. Cars were everwhere, and the chaos was back - Oh, no, how could we now be here on moving OUT day?

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