Tuesday, May 25, 2010

No News

Sorry for the news blackout from my end. Life has been incredibly busy lately - housebreaking the puppy, working to get the apartments done, Pete had a birthday, and life went on. We are about 2 weeks from having the first of the 2 apartments ready to rent. The carpet has been ordered and that will be the last thing needing done. I am almost ready to paint, Mike has to put up some baseboard and fix a couple of windows. When the painting is done, there are a couple lights to put up. Right now we are putting a new roof on half the house. We are about a month after this one getting finished until we are ready to go with the last one, and we think we have a renter lined up for the last one already - they are not ready to move until about the time the last one will be done, so that is great. They seem like a very nice couple. The puppy is growing fast. She is so sweet. I just wish this housebreaking stuff would end soon. The boys have 2 more weeks of school. Our days are long and the work tiring, so will be good to have the boys out of school so they can get more rest, as we are up kind of late a lot of nights. They will at least be able to sleep in when summer begins. Pete went up on the second story roof last night with Mike and his roofing crew. He had no trouble with the ladder, and the roof pitch is not steep, so he was fine on the roof. He even went back down the ladder very easily. I never could have done that. I will be better about posting again, I promise.

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