Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Today I just want to update previous entries......

My sister's surgery went well. She has been re-couping and doing very well - according to what she is telling us.

The robin eggs did not hatch. We had a hopeful morning the week they were scheduled to hatch. The boys thought they saw a shell with a crack in it. The day before that, Fiona had been paying special attention to that counter, so I thought maybe she was hearing the babies trying to hatch. While the boys were gone to school, I checked the eggs closer and noticed that if I held them just right, I could see through the shells. No baby birds. I saved the eggs so I could prove it to the boys before I got rid of them that they were not going to hatch. Pete was very sad.

Mike has managed to keep track of all his mugs lately :)

The work on the rental house is progressing. Another day or two will have the living room ready to paint. Mike is set to have Home Depot come to measure, then order and install the carpet. It is supposed to take a week for the whole process to happen. I think we are still on track to have it ready to rent by the end of May (knock on wood).

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