Friday, April 2, 2010

We're home

Steven had his surgery yesterday and everything went well. His surgery was at 1 PM and by 5 PM we were heading out of the parking garage, and home at 8 PM. He is doing well, and most of the anesthesia has now worn off. He was pretty goofy yesterday ( I know, I know, how can I tell since he is usually so goofy? Trust me, as his mom, I know these things). The doctor was very pleased with the results, and says Steve will really like his belly button when it is healed. He has pain meds for a few days, and anitibiotics both oral and an ointment. He must rest for a couple of days, and no bike riding for 2 weeks. We go back to the doc in about 10 days for a check up.

I updated my Bladder Exstrophy support group on Steve's surgery last night, and this morning I had a message from a mom -from Austrailia- of a boy turning 12 (remember that Steve is 12 until Sept) inviting Steve to contact the boy named Mitch either on Facebook (I have not allowed Steve to have a Facebook page, but maybe it's time?????) or e-mail (again, no e-mail of his own yet). I think this would be a great opportunity for him, so I will let him get the e-mail. I need to do a lot of thinking about the Facebook page. I know I am probably an overprotective parent on these things......

1 comment:

  1. I won't let Tim have a facebook page yet. I told him he has to show me he's responsible with the whole email thing for a while first. I figure that's a whole 'nother ball of wax---Maybe 8th grade or high school.....and of course he has to friend me.
