Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Man Toys

Today I got to play with the Man Toys. Whooaa... I mean the riding lawn mower!!! I had the boys begin mowing the lawn tonight, one on the riding mower and one pushing. My goodness they were taking FOREVER!!! I know we have a lot of land but Come On!! After an hour and a half I called them in for dinner. Not even a third of the yard was done. Now partly due to the job I used to have and partly just my personality, I hate it when the boys poke along getting a job done. Pete of course threw a couple little tantrums during the process until I told him that when we re-instate allowance, that poor attitude would mean an instant loss of that week's money. So after dinner I had Darling Oldest give me a refresher course on how to start the rider then had him do a couple of inside tasks and I began mowing - when he was done with those tasks then he needed to come back outside to finish mowing. It was a little scary at first - it needs some power steering and better shocks!! - but I got the hang of it. I used to tease Steve about mowing on "Turtle Speed", but I must admit I was there for a while myself. I do see why the men go out in the spring with the lawn roller to flatten out all those bumps - No, Mike, that is not permission to go out and buy one, I'm just saying....

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