Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It's Break Time

Spring break is over and now it is break time for Mommy!!!! Both boys are back to school today!! Steve had is post op appointment yesterday at U of M, and we finally got the lab results back that he did indeed have an infection last week. Our specialist was back in his office yesterday and he fit us in on his normal surgery day to check on Steve. As he decided he needed to re-dress Steve's incision, he left the room to get gauze and doctor Q-tips to clean the incision ( UHHH it hurt me just to watch!). Then he had to leave the room again to get antibiotic ointment. He came back in the room joking that this was like when he went to the grocery store instead of his wife and he had to keep criss-crossing the store to get the things he forgot. As he left a third time to get the medical tape, he asked if any of us (mom came up with us) needed anything while he was gone - milk, juice???? I told him not to forget the bread. We came home with an extention on the antibiotic our family Dr, put him on and we have to go back to see him weekly until the doc is sure the incision is healing well, and the infection is gone. (This next part is gross and not for the squimish!!! But I know several of you are mom's to young boys who will find this as cool as my husband and boys all did...) The doc said that when they closed after the surgery there must have been a little infection that was closed in under the skin. As we went through the weekend, the infection grew and became like a huge pimple under his incision. On Monday the pimple got too big and burst, that was where all the blood and puss came from. So, now Steve gets to add to his medical resume, HUGE BELLY ZIT!!!

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