Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A New Pet

Mike went out to work on the Mother-In-Law's apartment over the garage Monday night. He needed to evict a family of birds building a nest and finish closing in the eves to keep out more. This was apparently a bit more complicated than anticipated, Pete came running into the house asking were the awning hook for the camper is kept. Just as I get into the "Why would you need that?!?!" questioning of the child, my phone rings, darling husband told me that he had indeed sent the boy up for it, he needed it to pull the nest from the eves. Sighhhh, I'm blogging about the oldest, and this is interupting my trian of thought. Out to the camper I go to get it (I really hope SOMEONE besides me remembers to put it back so we have it when we go camping this year). Soon, the oldest runs up to the house to tattle - a favorite activity for him - "Pete found some Blue Jay eggs and wants to raise them!" Before I can say much, in comes hubby and the boy carrying 3 light blue eggs (for those of you wanting to be correct, they are Robin eggs). One was cracked, the other 2 intact. One boy ran down for his desk lamp, the other to get Easter grass, while I found a small Tupperware bowl. Hubby will bring the aquariam up to put the whole apparatus in to keep safe from "The Girls"- AKA Santara and Fiona. Mike opened the one that was cracked to see how far they are in their developement, and they are brand new. Guess next I will be researching how to incubate eggs. The boys have been warned how unlikely it is for these eggs to even hatch. Pete can't wait to find worms and chop them up to feed the babies with an eye dropper.

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