Sunday, April 18, 2010


We headed off to Meijer this weekend to do some grocery shopping - they were having their good "10 for $10 with the 11th item free" sale. Then we had to head over to get some general merchandise. We've been looking at grills - Last 4th of July we were having a cookout and the outside of the grill caught on fire while my darling husband had walked away from it .... "Honey, is it SUPPOSED to be flaming out of the bottom like that?" Coincidentally, at our last summer campout, the portable grill we keep in the camper had done the same thing and it went into the dumpster before we pulled out of the campground. We find our usual $20 cheappy grill for the camper and add it to our cart then glance at the regular grills - nothing jumped out at us, and we found one at Sears (a Kenmore) a couple days before that we both really liked, cheaper than the Meijer grills. Over for butane lighters now - ours have been giving us fits trying to light them. The boys are old enough now, get the ones WITHOUT the safety switch. Mike grabbs one that has an adjustable flame control "Wow, look at this one, it has FLAMETHROWER MODE!!!" All the boys are enthralled by the big, long flame. And it is designed to look like a huge match - Steve was all over THAT from the get-go! We bought two. Maybe I should have insisted on the safety switch afterall.


  1. I think you should definitely take it back. Do they make one with a "husband" safety switch?

  2. Yes. Unfortunatly they do. They're called wives. Just when you are about to have fun you hear " Not in front of the boys"
