Friday, January 15, 2010

I Have A Dream

It's a very simple dream really. It's one that I've had since Mike and I married in August. I dream of having a household budget. OK, I've made the budget. I dream of knowing where all the bank accounts are. Silly me, I come from a very orderly world that I made for myself when I bought my first home back in 1993. A friend taught me her method of setting a budget to paper and tracking the bills so I knew when everything was paid each month. I have a small savings account and a checking account that I pay everything out of. When we married, we agreed that we would take a few months of keeping things the way they were, but our plan was to have everything combined by January 1st. That did not happen. Life continued and the status quo was easy. With Mike spending so long in China though, it brought this need back to the front burner. As long as he was gone, I felt dead in the water. "Honey, what bank do we used for the rental property? I need to take care of security deposits." "Baby, which bank do I pay the mortgage at?" I know of at least 4, maybe 5 banks now that we use for different things, plus the one I had. So, as soon as the jet lag subsides and he can think coheriently again, he is going to take a vacation day and we will do everything in one day - banking (getting down to just one or two), insurance plans (finding one company who can service both states), everything. Our goal will be accomplished, a little late but done. My orderly world can continue. Mike can go back to laughing at this "strange" need of mine to keep all my ducks in a row ( I come by this honestly as anyone who knows my mom and sister can tell you ). The dream is good.

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