Monday, January 18, 2010

Home At Last

We brought the cats home last night. After a half hour of 2 cats yowling for all they were worth to let us know just how unhappy they were to be in their carriers and on a car ride, we brought them to their final destination. Santara is very happy to be back here, her original stomping grounds. She and Mike have lived here for 10 years, and she is definately a bachelor's cat. It took her almost 2 months to start coming out from under the bed after we started dating. And ther boys? Well, never being around the noise and confusion of children, it was months and months - and she still barely tolerates them. When we brought her to my house, she hid for weeks, barely leaving the bedroom. Even at the end, she was not out of the bedroom often. Last night she was in her glory - running around the house and telling Fiona that this is HER house we are in now and the top cat status is now changing. The difference in this cat is just amazing. Fiona on the other hand looked around a bit, decided that the house smells like her family and settled right down into getting on with life. The personality differences in the cats is facinating. Princess Fiona is the easy going, people loving lap cat. Santara is the recluse who will come out to "allow" you to pet her when she thinks you are worthy.

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