Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Couple of Months Makes a Big Difference

Every year I look forward to August. Probably not for the reason that most of you crave August - it's not the heat and sun. It's not those end of summer vacations. It's the school supplies. Opening up that list when it comes in the mail appeals to many parts of me - the list itself helps me feel organinzed and checking off those items means we are prepared for what lies ahead. Hitting the back to school sales satisfies the thrifty, bargin hunter. Now it is January, and I enrolled the boys in their new schools this week, to start next week. And I was handed at each school - the school supply list. Oh No!! So this morning I hauled out the boxes of extra supplies I bought over the summer - thank goodness I just couldn't pass up those $1 calculators (didn't need them before, but do now) and some of those other wonderful bargins. We raided the craft supplies for rubber cement - didn't know schools still used that, a bag of drafting supplies my Dad gave us when they moved a couple of years ago produced a protractor for Steve, and we now have just enough of everything. Instead of calming the orgainzational beast in me (this beast likes plenty of time to digest the situation), the supply list made me crazy with the time crunch. We are making the permanent move this weekend to just one house, Mike is coming home today, a lease signing with new tenants in the apartment house this weekend, gathering supplies, and now making sure the book bags make it into the car. Hope I didn't forget to do anything.

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