Friday, December 28, 2012

Zach Update

Yesterday Zach and I got to the hospital around noon to check in for his bowel prep before surgery the following day.  On Wednesday he had to begin a clear liquid diet and Wed night had to take some Magnesium Cloride to start the cleaning out process.  When we got to the hospital on Thur he had to begin drinking "Go Lightly", however he really disliked the taste, so he ended up with an NG tube in his nose and they just pumped it into his stomach.  This morning they came to get him around 7 AM for his 7:30 surgery time for his bladder augmentation and mitroffonoff (sp?)- anyway, the pathway to cath through.  After 8 hours in surgery and an hour in recovery, we got to go back and see him.  He has been so happy to have Grammy here with him today and keeps asking for her.  He even told me that he wants her to play with him tomorrow.  Good news if he thinks he will feel up to playing anything tomorrow.  They told us that if his recovery goes well, he could go home in 4-7 days, not the 14 we thought was going to be his hospital stay.  Keep praying, we would love to have him home recovering sooner than planned.

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