Friday, December 21, 2012

It's Him!!

Zach is 7 this year and in first grade.  Yesterday was his class Christmas party, so when I picked him up from Boys and Girls Club he was full of news to share - first and most important was that THE REAL Santa was at his school today and gave all the kids a bag of popcorn.  And then later Zach saw him again at the Boys and Girls Club. Apparently it was the same Santa he saw up town a couple of weeks ago when I had assured him it was the real Santa and not a helper.  Then came the inevitable question......

Mom is Santa real?

Yes, Zach, why do you ask?

Some kids in my class said he's not real.

Oh, Honey, they were probably just being silly.

No, Mom, they were serious.

Darn, I guess this is the last year for Zach to believe.  He is at that age, but next Christmas Molly will be almost 3 and just starting too understand Santa.  It would be nice to have Zach as excited about it all when she understands too.

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