Monday, July 23, 2012

My Vultures

With 2 teenage boys in the house, both about 6 feet tall, they are bottomless pits!  I did notice a difference with actually having leftovers while Steve was gone to camp, but they are back!  They know that after I dish out dinner they only get to take 1/5 of what is left if they want seconds, until they see if anyone else wants seconds.  If there is some left after that, they can split it.

So last night after the alfredo was served up, the big boys got their seconds.  Then they were slyly prowling around waiting to see who else wanted seconds.   Soon Zach announced he was full.  He had eaten all his pasta, and just had some chicken left in his bowl.  Pete was on that and before Zach could even get up from the table, had grabbed his plate and sucked up the rest of Zach's dinner.  Mike and I each announced we were done, so the feeding frenzy began. 

I hear Pete saying to Steve- you only get half! 

and Steve's reply - you ate the rest of Zach's so I should get more

Zach didn't have much left, I get half

Fine.  You can have half.

You'd think I never feed those boys.

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