I am remembering something about having small kids in the house..... I never realize how much we say something until we hear it parroted back to us. I have apparently gotten into the habbit of calling Zach "Sweetie". The last couple of weeks, Zach has been "freaking out" Pete (his words) by calling him "Little Sweetie" whenever he can. Knowing that Pete isn't real fond of the name, Zach says it in a teasing way...."Hi, Little Sweetie". In trying to figure out where he got that phrase, I started watching our speech, and sure enough, when Zach says, "Hey, Mom..." I usually answer, "Yes, Sweetie?"
Zach has been trying out names for everyone. Besides calling Pete "Sweetie" he will ask me "Mom, can I call you ________?" So far it's been Mommy, Mom, MaMa, and Ma. At this point, I really don't care what form of Mom he calls me, whatever makes him feel comfortable. I know at the other house in Tenn, he called her Mom, so I am thinking that now he is trying to find a way to make my name different from her.
For all the picking Pete and Zach do to eachother, for all the naughty-ness and willfullness Zach shows Mike and me, for all the love and hugs everyone gets.... I think it was said best last night, by my cousin who was watching Zach and Pete interact "It doesn't matter what biology says, those boys are brothers". And we're all family.
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