Sunday, July 1, 2012

Good Bye

About 10 years ago, we had 2 stray cats hanging around our house.  We would put out some food, since they were very thin.  One was very friendly, one was afraid of everything.  "Fraidy Cat" would not come near us, but would come up with the other cat to eat the food we put out.  The other cat would come up to us for attention too if we sat on the steps.  I decided to take in the friendly one.  The boys were 3 and 4, Shrek was the big movie of the day, so we named her "Princess Fiona".  She was starving because she had been declawed (all 4 paws), our vet estimated her age to be 5.  She became a much loved memeber of the family.  She would curl up quietly with me in my chair, sleep at the foot of the beds - she rotates a few weeks at a time on one bed, then move to another, giving everyone in the family some of her time.  She was my constant companion when I had my foot surgery and was confined to sitting around the house.  She has had digestive problems, that have been getting worse the last few years.  I have to rotate the dry food between brands or she throws it up all the time.  She recently had her top teeth fall out, we think from all the throwing up.  She has been moved to soft food from the can to help her toothless state, and it seemed to also help her digestion.  Until now.  She can't keep down her food and is always hungry.  It's time to do the humane thing and take her to the vet to put her down.  I will miss you, Old Friend.

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