Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My life

My living room is not a family space anymore.  My dining room is not someplace we can sit at the table to eat.  The hallway is a storage facility, and the only way through the downstairs is through the kitchen.  The hallway is filled with half packed suit cases for our upcoming China trip (No, still no more news).  My dining room table is home base for packing whoever/whatever I am on to now.... Steven is all packed to go to his BE camp in Colorado, I have things sitting out all over the living room as I am preparing for our camping trip for Mike's work rally - I have all Zach and Pete's clothes ready to go, about half of mine, and Mike.....well he's next on my list......  My life right now is totally living in the future getting everyone prepared for everywhere they need to be.  When Steven gets back home, it should be time to hit the school sales for our back to school supplies.  Then I will begin packing everyone's backpacks for that......

FYI, my musical genious son, has created his own flute.  At camp they have a talent show. Somewhere along the line he decided that since computers are not allowed at BE camp, and his trombone and keyboards are too big and not allowed in Grandma's motorhome for the trip, he needed a smaller instrument to take with him.  So he looked measurements and requirements on line for flute making.  Not a flute like a recorder, a flute like in band.  He and Mike just finished cutting to length his pipe, and drilling the holes.  It plays.  Now today is Tuesday and camp starts on Monday.  That gives him 6 days to teach himself to play.  And ya know what?  I bet he does it.  And well enough to not embarass himself at the talent show.

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