Monday, December 21, 2009

Winter Wonderland

The boys are really enjoying the snow this year. Saturday was the first accumulating snow of the year, and the boys were out in the afternoon and evening building snow forts. Then Sunday we made a trip back to Sturgis to pick up a few things and make sure the cats had plenty of food and water. We brought the sleds to Middlebury on Sunday too. The boys have been outside every chance they get on those sleds. In Sturgis our house is inside the city limits and our yard is totally flat. But here in Middlebury, we have a small mountain range of hills in our yard. I think they have tried out every one of them trying to find the best one to sled down. Unfortuantely, the best one seems to be down the driveway. (See the candy cane post - by the way, today I still can not get my car up the hill to park and that is with 4-wheel drive - it's just too slippery) Our fingers are crossed for a white Christmas on Friday - we may get rain on Thursday and above freezing temperatures.

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