Wednesday, December 16, 2009

It's coming

Christmas that is. Yes, I know this day comes around every year. This year it is coming too fast. Not the holiday. Shopping is done. Gifts are wrapped and ready to go. I am not ready for the year to be over. There is too much that still needs to be done before the year is out. Jobs that must be done to protect the apartment over the garage from the winter, jobs that must be done in the Middlebury house before we move in permanently in January, jobs that must be done before Mike leaves for China on December 26th. That's right, in the middle of all our holiday chaios, Coachmen has re-implemented it's business in China and Mike has been asked to return. He will be gone for at least 2 weeks. For those of you who know what a planner I am and how unexpected developements throw me for a loop, this puts a big kink in our plans. We will manage, and I know things will be fine. I have a long list of people in Middlebury I can call should I have an unexpected emergency. I have plenty of friends in Sturgis should something happen here. Oh well, wish us luck in getting every thing done before Mike leaves for China.

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