Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Hello. I have decided that since my sister lives 2 hours away and my parents are traveling all the time, I too will begin to blog. After all, I have been told several times when it comes to technology, I need to join the 21st century. So, after a busy morning of making cheese balls, molasses cookies, and fudge for the family Christmas this weekend, I designed my blog. The children have headed off to school (yeah), and so far we have side-stepped the freezing rain and ice that was predicted to come last night. Darling Husband stayed in the Middlebury house last night while Darling Boys and I stayed in Sturgis so that everyone was in the town they needed to be in and not have to drive a half hour this morning. I will be so happy when we move to one home and are all under one roof all the time.

Yesterday Mike came home from lunch and declared that we were finally going to move around the furnature in the living room to set it all up the way I want to try it - wow what a diffference. I feel like we have so much more room. The new kitchen is still a work in progress. We still have 2 cablinets to install, but are waiting on a piece from the home imporvement store to finish. Mike has committed to get it completely done by Christmas since I have invited the in-laws over for Christmas lunch.

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