Tuesday, June 4, 2013

She's Not Spoiled

A couple of weeks ago Peter started giving Molly ice in her sippy cup of water.  Mike decided it was a good idea, so he picked up on the habit.  Now don't get me wrong, I like a good cup of ice water too, but there are some times when you are just thirsty and ice does not matter...... but not to Molly. 

Two nights ago, Molly woke up around midnight, she was hot and pointing at the kitchen so I got her a sippy of water, rocked her a little and put her back in bed.  I had JUST gotten back upstairs when she started to cry again.   {{{{BIG SIGH}}}}   Back down the stairs and in to see what Molly needs now so we can both go back to sleep.  I looked down into the crib.  Molly looked at me with disgust, shook her cup to inform me there were NO ICE CUBES in her cup.   YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!!!  Back to the kitchen with her cup, add 2 cubes, and hand it back to the baby.  She shakes her cup, is now satisfied the ice is in there (never took a drink by the way), stuck her fingers in her mouth and closed her eyes. 

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