Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Good Night

I was just getting things ready in the house to go to bed, running down my usual checks:
-turn off TV   check
-turn off all the extra lights in the kitchen (just because we have several lights, placed in strategic spots for cooking and food prep does NOT mean they all have to be on every time someone goes into the kitchen)     check
-I reach for the switch to turn off the living room light, right next to where my desk used to block the hall, and I notice the front door has not been locked yet.  I turned around, walked through the kitchen to lock the door, and when I turned around to go back, I realized the desk no longer blocks the hall - heavens, I was just standing in that spot- and I could have simply walked down the hall to the door.  Nope, not me, I'll take the scenic trip through a whole other room.

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