Saturday, January 19, 2013

What Did You Do Today??

Zach was going stir crazy today and kept asking what he could do.  He tried to go into Molly's pop up castle, but she kept going in to play too.  That did not go over well, and Zach said "I wish I had a house to play in"  Which got me thinking about this space ship we bought on the after Christmas clearance.  45 minutes later Mike and I had it put together (much assembly required) and Zach began to color it.  He then decided it was too much work and went inside it to play.  Right after that, Molly found a pencil on the floor, knocked on the door of his space ship and wanted to help him color it.  Soon they were inside together watching a movie on his portable DVD player.
Then the rest of the family went down stairs to put up the wall to make Peter a bedroom out of the existing family room in the basement.  I had already painted the walls I could (no, I did NOT miss part of the wall, based on where the bathroom doorway is on the other wall, this is where it stops on this side.... of course Pete suggested Mike build him a diagonal wall to maximize the space, but that idea was quickly shot down).  The wall is now up, the drywall up on Pete's bedroom side, boxes in for 2 outlets, a smoke detector, and a light switch.  More work tomorrow ......

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