Tuesday, January 1, 2013

happy new year

New Years Day has brought great things for our family.  Today Zach finally passed gas - the only time I have been happy to have him farting!  He's also pooped, been up walking 3 times, and sat in a straight backed chair.  Because he made so much progress today, he gets his NG tube out of his nose tomorrow morning and starts a liquid diet. We may yet make it home by the end of the week.  The nurses have also started flushing his tubes that go into his bladder.  His morphine is being decreased daily now and we are relying more on the Tylenol  Another great sign.  He didn't even have to hit his extra shot of morphine button when he got back into bed after his walks today...... do you think I can talk them into giving ME his extra shot of morphine- I could really use the help taking a nap since I have not been sleeping well.  Love you all and thank you for your prayers.  Keep them coming!!!

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