Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Just Keep Marching On

Steven has now finished his practice sessions for Marching Band.  First they learned to march, then they learned to march straight ahead with their bodies turned to the side and feet forward.  They have to memorize their music instead of having the little stands that fit on their horns like I remember my sister using when she did high school marching band.  Steven is so excited.  He is sore from all the marching muscles he is learning to use, but he likes the high school band kids.  He is having a lot of fun.

 He told me last night that he does not understand WHY they have to march forward with their bodies sideways, they could just side step. 

Steven, it would not look the same. 

Well, Mom, you have no idea how HARD marching band is with all the marching, and holding your arms up, your instrument steady, memorizing the songs.....

Steven, my sister and some friends did marching band.  I think I know what you are doing.  What you mean to say is that YOU had no idea how hard marching band would be.


Now he is done for a month until Pre-Band Camp starts in July.  Then he has regular band camp in July.

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