Friday, June 1, 2012

It all SOUNDS so simple

I just told Pete "I suggest you take your I-POD tomorrow"
Pete -why?
Me - because you will be out by the road most of the day holding signs to attract attention to our fundraiser
Pete- I don't have an I-POD
Me- (Sigh) whatever, your MP3 player
Pete- remember it broke
Me- Oh, well I guess you'll be bored
Pete- can't I use YOUR MP3 player?
Me- there's not music on there that you will like
Pete- I can put some of my music on there
Me- no
Pete- seriously, I can take off your songs, put them in a file on your computer, load my songs for tomorrow, when we get home put my songs in a file on the computer, load yours back on, then put mine in the recycle bin, and then empty the bin.
Me- I'll think about it

why is it that when things sound that easy they never are?  Let me count the way things could go wrong with that plan........

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