Friday, December 31, 2010
It Was A Perfect Day
For painting that is. Today was one of those rare winter days - the temps hit the mid 50's and even though it was raining off and on, it was the day to paint the outside of the entrance door to the 3rd apartment. Guess who does all the painting in our family....No, not Pete. We are finally to the part of this apartment where I have been painting these last few days. We made a bunch of progress yesterday - trimed the window and ledge in the bathroom. Made the door jam for the bathroom pocket door and cut and painted all the bathroom door trim. Hung a linen cupboard in the bathroom. Made the shelf in the refrigerator nook, painted the trim around the nook, and finally pushed the new fridge into it. We have doors painted for the cupboard over the fridge and a door painted for the pipe access in the bathroom. We even laid half the bathroom sub-floor tonight before we left for home. Tomorrow we should have the bathroom complete. I am hoping by Sunday I am painting the kitchen. A couple more days and the kitchen should be done too. We are also pushing to get the double doors for the front entrance hung. I got them primed and the first coat of paint on them today. One more coat tomorrow, and then need to paint the trim. Mike has to add the glass and put the hardware back on them. The New Year is starting with a bang - busy, but much progress being made.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
I thought today would be the day to take down the outside decorations. The weather man said that it would be 40 degrees today, although rainy, and it was already 38 when we got up this morning. So, off the boys and I went to pull them down. Oh, it was wet already, but we were optimistic. Shortly into it I began to think it was a bad idea. We had gloves on, but cold fingers anyway. Some of the stakes are still frozen in the ground - they will have to come out tomorrow after it thaws a little more. And I decided the garland in the drive way will wait too. Mr. Grinch stayed in with Sadie who was upset so many of us were outside without her. Besides, he didn't put them up, so unless I really need him, he doesn't have to take them down. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He forgot he put the wreath up high on the house - that one he gets to take down!!!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
I'm Impressed
Today I went to the post office to check the P.O. box for the rental house. While I was getting out the mail, I saw a young man about 16 or 17 come in and drop something into the mail box. He left first and as I was dropping the adds into the recycle box there in the lobby, he was standing there holding the door for me. I hurried along, it's so rare these days to find polite young people, I hate to make him feel uneasy by holding the door too long. I thank him as I begin to go out, but he did not just hand the door off to me, he held it until I was out - a rare occurance. When I got back to the house, I told Mike about this and how good it made me feel. Then I looked at him -"was he just very polite, or am I looking so old now that people will begin to hold open doors, help me cross the street, and smile indulgently because I am so old that I can say anything and get away with it?" I will be 40 on my next birthday. Mike just smiled and changed the subject.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
The stockings have been emptied, the boxes and wrappings thrown out. The boys enjoyed the day and headed off to their dad's family for holiday celebrations. Time to relax, and just enjoy. I made a ham on Christmas eve and we gave Sadie the bone on Christmas Day - lots of meat still on it. She was in Heaven, and by dinner time, I had to take the remains of the bone and throw them away. The Kitties got tuna from Grandma - Heaven for them too. Mike was the big winner - 12 tape measures. ( Mike loses tape measures like the kids lose their toys. These should last him for a couple of months at least!)
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!! Really.
However, my Grinchy hubby was at it again last night. He and the boys were working out in the garage, and after about an hour, Pete came in the house - alone. "Hey, Pete. Is everyone else on there way back up to the house to?" "No, Mike sent me up here. I think he was tired of hearing me sing Feliz Navidad." At that point my phone rang - Mike calling. "Send Pete out her with _____ (whatever tool he wanted)." "Sure Honey, is that why you sent him in?" "No, I was tired of hearing him sing Feliz Navidad" At least my son knew why he was banished to the house with me and the animals.
However, my Grinchy hubby was at it again last night. He and the boys were working out in the garage, and after about an hour, Pete came in the house - alone. "Hey, Pete. Is everyone else on there way back up to the house to?" "No, Mike sent me up here. I think he was tired of hearing me sing Feliz Navidad." At that point my phone rang - Mike calling. "Send Pete out her with _____ (whatever tool he wanted)." "Sure Honey, is that why you sent him in?" "No, I was tired of hearing him sing Feliz Navidad" At least my son knew why he was banished to the house with me and the animals.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
The First Full Day Of Winter
Today Steven had a Dr. appointment with his specialist 3 hours away. As we were getting ready this morning, I heard on the weather we had freezing drizzle but the roads were not too bad. Mike confirmed that when he went to work so we set off. As we drove, the drizzle turned to rain. OK, still not too bad, we'll continue. The radio station from the North of us said that there was snow, but no mention of freezing rain, and we were heading North. If we keep going, we will move out of the nasty weather. Then that station started talking of the freezing rain starting. The windshield began to ice up. That's it. We turned around and came home. It's too far to drive when the roads are this bad. Welcome Winter.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Yesterday, Mike got a call from his boss, saying that he had an interview with a different department. In he went, and when he came out, he was again employeed!!! Kind of.....he works 3 days this week (this department is only working 4 days a week right now, but they are 9 hour days) Then they are closed for 2 weeks over the holidays. Then back to work. We don't have to worry about keeping Steven insured now - my biggest fear is my son going uninsured then paying astronomical rates when we can get him back on the plan. At least the President has made it so he can't be denied insurance. This job includes some outside work so off we went to TSC last night to find him some Carharts (actually ended up with the same thing, different brand) to get him through the winter.
So, he went in to work this morning - starting time in this department is EARLY!!! and a call to say he needed me to bring him his boots. As I am looking around the house for them I went into the bassement where the boys and dog sleep. On goes the light and I hear Sadie yawning. No boots, so light off and back upstairs. I figured at that point Sadie would begin to bark and wake the boys up so she can get up and play. Nope......that silly puppy went back to sleep 2 hours ago and I still have not heard a peep out of her or the boys. Glad they are all on vacation, I get up with Mike so I can pack his lunch and make him some breakfast before he heads off to work. He's so lucky to have a great wife (if I do say so myself!)
So, he went in to work this morning - starting time in this department is EARLY!!! and a call to say he needed me to bring him his boots. As I am looking around the house for them I went into the bassement where the boys and dog sleep. On goes the light and I hear Sadie yawning. No boots, so light off and back upstairs. I figured at that point Sadie would begin to bark and wake the boys up so she can get up and play. Nope......that silly puppy went back to sleep 2 hours ago and I still have not heard a peep out of her or the boys. Glad they are all on vacation, I get up with Mike so I can pack his lunch and make him some breakfast before he heads off to work. He's so lucky to have a great wife (if I do say so myself!)
Saturday, December 18, 2010
He Knew It When He Married Me
Sooooooo, Mike knew from the beginning that I am "Directionally Challenged". I had told him all along, but I don't think he believed me until the day that I had to call him because I made a wrong turn and was lost here in our small Amish town. Last year he bought me a GPS for Christmas (best gift ever!!) - and it has saved me many times. Last night we were driving by the apartment house, and Mike took a detour. By the time we were close to being back to the apartment, I was confused. I thought the house should have been right on the corner, but alas, it was not. Lost again in small town USA. Mike just called me. He's on the road with his brother coming back to the house. "Honey, look out the window, the sunrise is beautiful." HHHMMMM, he's going to make me say it, as I am looking out several windows. "Darling, which way is East?"
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Not Just A Way Out
Last night, we were supposed to go to the apartment house to work right after an early dinner. Well, after dinner Steve asked Mike (thank goodness, since Steve and I but heads when I try to help him with his homework! He would even rather call my sister who lives 2 hours away for help over the phone than ask me) for help with his math. Obvoiously that was a priority, so we waited for the homework dilema to be solved. By the time they got done, I had a killer headache. I could see it in his eyes......she doesn't have a problem- she just doesn't want to go now. Honey, did you take something? Yes dear, some motrin an hour ago. It's not helping. I also turned down the TV, took out my pony tail, and laid down. Not helping. OK, we won't go tonight. Off I went to lay down in my bed. An hour later a show came on that Mike knew I wanted to see. Do I feel well enough to come watch or did I want him to record it. No, I will take some more motrin and be down. Still not helping, but might as well be entertained while I hurt. I had a cup of tea to try to sooth, and thought, ahhhh caffine helps bad headaches. I'll have some chocolate to add some caffine - no diet coke in the house anymore. WAIT A MINUTE.....I gave up caffine a few days ago, pop was a luxury I decided had to go. This is a caffine headache. DDDUUUHHHHH. That's why nothing is helping. A little chocolate and a half glass of Mike's Mt. Dew later, the headache is gone. Why oh why didn't I think of that before????????? I have a small headache this morning. I'm going to have to wean myself off. It's going to be a rough week for my family.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Our Gaurdian
Sadie is now 9 months old and some of her "adult" instincts are kicking in. My mom was watching Pete and puppy sitting one day last month while I took Steve to a Dr. appointment out of town. Mom said that anytime Pete went out side without her, Sadie paced, barked and scratched at the door. She is also having seperation anxiety when the boys leave for school. I have to hold her back as they go out the door in the mornings. Then, the whole time they are at the road waiting for the bus she whines, she barks, she jumps up on her hind legs scratching at the door trying to get to them. She is better after the bus picks them up, but lays by the door most of the day until her family starts returning from their various destinations of the day. She wants her family home. My loving husband and sons thought I was exagerating this, until one day this week Steve had to get some vaccinations, so Pete left for school and Steve stayed home until it was time for me to take him. He could not believe the way Sadie was acting after Pete went out the door. There are days when she is so bad, I have to put her in her crate for a while so she calms down. Funny, I did research on St. Bernards and Newfoundlands before we got her, and they are working dogs, not hearding dogs. I have not been able to make her understand that she should not be so upset when her "heard" wanders.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
After a year and a half of marriage, my husband and I are finally having some alone time. Without the children. But not the way we wanted to have time together. No, there is nothing wrong with the kids - well, nothing more wrong than being 11 and 13 year old boys. Last Friday Mike came home from work to tell me he is laid off. For at least 3 weeks, but we don't know for sure how long it may last. He spent yesterday on the phone calling people in the company he knows or has worked for before to see if there are any openings in their departments. Tomorrow he is going out knocking on doors to see if there are any jobs out there. Today we got to take an afternoon nap together- a nice treat. We are torn between glad to have some time to get all our projects completed, and worried about the job market. Lord knows that with this new twist in our life we have to get the third apartment done and rented ASAP. We even have a lead of someone looking for a place who is supposed to give us a call around Christmas time- that would fill the one we are working on right now. Wish us luck. And anyone who has any great ways to stretch a dollar...let me know!!!!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Busy Time
I know I have not posted lately, but it has been a busy time in our house. I worked 2 weeks at my part time job, now I am off until after the new year. We had a holiday open house here the first weekend of the month, and Christmas with my family last weekend. The priest called a meeting for the Sunday school parents and I found myself volenteering to work on getting a youth group running. One of the benifits of working at H&R Block, is I get my taxes done for free this year, so I have started getting our tax info orgainized and ready to go so as soon as we get our papers in the mail, I can hand them over to one of the girls doing the taxes and voila......we don't have to worry about them this year. I think this is only a priority for me becasue this year has been so awful for my family that I can not wait to be done with 2010, and on to bigger and better things in 2011. Sadly, Chirstmas is my favorit time of year and I can not get myself into the spirit like ususal. Some of the outside lights are not working properly, and I don't even care enough to go out and try to fix them. This will be the first year I can remember that Christmas day will be just our family-a nice change of pace. No big brunch or lunch for me to rush into the kitchen to make after the boys open their gifts. No family coming over for me to run around the tree area of the house making it look presentable (how did gift wrap get THERE? And why are there so many parts to toy/electronics packaging?) while said meal is cooking. I plan to let the boys stay in their jammies as long as they want, to play with their "goodies" all day, and have plenty of food in the fridge for us to munch on so I don't have to cook all day. HHMMMMM, sounds like a real holiday for us.
Monday, November 29, 2010
It Just Fell Into My Lap
So, I begin a part time job this week. Mike and I had been talking about the need for me to find something part time, and I've put in some applications, but no one called me back about them. Then I got a lead that H&R Block has an office here in town and they need a part time receptionist for tax season. That sounded good to me. I like to work when it is busy - it makes the day go so much faster. Heaven knows I have lots of customer service experience. So, in I went, resume in hand. I got the job, and begin this week. It's only supposed to last a couple of months, but it will be good to get out of the house a few days a week.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Out Of Circulation
So, Saturday I had that funny feeling. My throat was a little scratcy, my eyes a little watery, my energy a little low. Here comes a cold. The problem.....I can't afford to be sick this week. We had given ourselves a Thanksgiving deadline for the major projects to be done at the rental. Steve had a doctor's appointment 3 hours away today that I had to drive him to. This was the week I could begin to decorate the inside of the house for Christmas. Most of all, I AM MOM, and don't have time to be out of circulation. It freaks the boys out if I get really sick, they are on vacation from today through the rest of the week, and I have to entertain/referee them. I have been medicating, and trying to convince myself. I took time off from working at the rental, took myself out of circulation, and did everything I could, but the cold came on. UUUGGGHHH.
Monday, November 15, 2010
They Just Got The Memo
Steven told me when I first started putting out Christmas decorations that he was embarassed because his friends on the bus saw that they were in the yard. Today I finished up the decorating - the ground was soft enough to set up the Air Blows. I was actually screwing the anchor lines into the ground as the boys got off the school bus tonight. Steven was very discusted with me and asked if I was trying to embarrass him on purpose. I told Mike that the boys must not have received their memos yet. Of course, Steve had to ask me "what memos?" Why the ones that say from now until they are 21, my sole purpose in life is to do things to embarass my children. DUUHHHH.
Maybe It's Not So Brown
As, my family will be the first to tell you, I have a notoriously "Brown" thumb. If it grows, I can kill it. Not on purpose, mind you. I really like plants, and try to make them thrive. For example, in the house I sold this spring, there was a very pretty, bushy pink flowering plant. It was in the flower bed when I bought the house, and this plant was very invasive- I would find "starts" of it all over the garden. I owned the house almost 4 years. By the time I sold the house it was just a small bushy plant. As the years went by, parts of it died and I would have to pull them out. Another example. For Mother's day last year, Pete got me a dessert plant, and I almost killed it from lack of water. Now, how on earth can you under water a dessert plant made to withstand drought? I don't know, but I win that award. So, I have a house plant that was given to me years ago. Somehow it has survived my care. Obviously it is healthier some times than others, but it even flowers from time to time. Lately it has been looking very sad. I pulled almost half of it out of the pot last month, as it was looking droopy, unhealthy, and like the roots were not buried enough. HMMMM. Must have been from my re-potting attempt last summer. This weekend I found the problem. It was not anything I was doing, but my baby girl, Sadie, was rooting around in my plant and pulling the leaves. Not to eat, mind you, but she took a mouthful of soil and a leaf and spit them out on the living room rug. Imagine, I've been yelling at the boys for tracking dirt in on their shoes and leaving marks on that rug. Maybe I should appologise to them for that - but I'm sure they deserved yelling at for other things that I have not caught, so maybe not. So, into the kitchen went my plant, I pulled another quarter of the plant out and left the remaining good part. For now it sits on the counter, safe from marauding beasts.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Wow, will this weather be able to continue much longer? I have had the furnace off most of the week and windows open in the afternoons to enjoy the warmth and sun (we have been grumbling aobut this in the mornings when it is cold, but it quickly warms up). I am however wishing for some rain. I know, I know.....I am probably the only one, but the ground is so hard right now, that even using a hammer I can not put any kind of stake for decorating in the earth. The "Air Blow" decorations are out of the question right now, as they each have 4 stakes and 4 screw in the ground holders for the stabelizer ropes. My husband came home from working on the apartment two nights ago and turned on the Christmas lightshow before he came in the house. See, I told you he is not as Grinchy as he would have me believe! However, last night we were going to put the lights up on the eves of the front of the house (by we, I mean Mike - up on the high ladder with Pete holding it for him and me untangeling and checking for working strings as quickly as I could!) Unfortunately, the ladder was tall and awkward. Mike got some done, and tried to turn the corner, knocking the ones he had done off the roof line. At that point we decieded we needed to give up. If we had a safer way to do them, they would now be up - where did I leave that jet pack?
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Will It Never End?
When we enrolled in this school system last year, I found that every year I have to pay a heafty book fee. This is different from our last school system, but this is a top rated school in the state, I guess the extra funding is probably needed. Then there was the band note 2 weeks later saying in lue of fundraisers for band, they just ask parents to pay $20 to cover band costs. OK, I hate selling things. Two band students, check (literally!) Next we had the candy bar fundraiser for school, I made up the inevitable discrepency between candy and money when that was over, plus the candy I "needed" during the fundraiser. I've bought the slide oil for Steve's instrument, the key oil for Petes. I've paid the extra for Pete's swimming unit in gym, now the extra for his skating unit. Now I get the message that there is an 8th grade trip to Washington DC, that will cost roughly $700 per student....just some advance warning. We are only one marking period in, and my checkbook is crying!!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Our Party
My family is going to think I am nuts. OK, they've thought that for years, so they will have their suspisions confirmed. Yesterday I finially found my Christmas cards for this year. I know, it's still really early in the season, but I have a heck of a time finding the picture AND verse that I like. So, I start looking as soon as I see them hit the shelves. I have also been looking for an invitation for the Chirstmas open house we are having this year. Well.....I got out my handy dandy book of party ideas (to start planning the menu), and saw an invitation for a Christmas open house done on with a picture. So, everyone got home last night from work or school and I had their "picture shirts" laid out for them and the invitation written out. After 3 tries, we got a presentable picture - Mike asked me if I just wanted to photo shop it like that comercial in TV for the lady to get a picture of the family she always wanted - wouldn't that have been easier??? I finially got one where it didn't look like the boys were having mug shots ( Pete still looks a bit iffy, but what could I do?) We took the picture and I decided to save postage and put them in the Christmas cards. Long story short, I mailed out about half my Christmas cards today so that people have plenty of warning to put this event on their calendars. Mike just shakes his head and lets me plan. The boys know this is just how I am. We will, however, have a well planned out party.
I know you are all dying to know how the Chirstmas Light Show is coming. Well, it will be ready in plenty of time for our open house. Mike checked it out the other night, and I have added what I believe will be the last of my lights. The Amish in the neighborhood are watching with intrest. I even had one man today, while I was putting up the wreaths and garland at the mouth of the driveway, comment on how nice it must be to put stuff up in the summer. I remember last year when I put up that same garland, I was wearing my winter coat, gloves, and scarf!! That's why I am going for getting done before the really cold weather hits. Tomorrow Mike is doing the high ones for me - I HATE that I am afraid of heights and absolutely can not do them myself. Good thing he loves me!!
I know you are all dying to know how the Chirstmas Light Show is coming. Well, it will be ready in plenty of time for our open house. Mike checked it out the other night, and I have added what I believe will be the last of my lights. The Amish in the neighborhood are watching with intrest. I even had one man today, while I was putting up the wreaths and garland at the mouth of the driveway, comment on how nice it must be to put stuff up in the summer. I remember last year when I put up that same garland, I was wearing my winter coat, gloves, and scarf!! That's why I am going for getting done before the really cold weather hits. Tomorrow Mike is doing the high ones for me - I HATE that I am afraid of heights and absolutely can not do them myself. Good thing he loves me!!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Beautiful Day
What a great day. The weather man says we are in for a week of Indian Summer. I took advantage of a lovely morning to clean out my half of the garage - sorry honey, your half is being left for you. I can even park my car in it now, so no more scraping frost from my windshield. I will try to finish my outside decorating today too. One day to concentrate soley on our home and not worry about what to do at the rental house. On that happy thought, many more chores are awaiting my attention off I go.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Another busy week has come and gone. Mike even took his last vacation day last week so we had a day together without the children!! It felt almost naughty when we went out to Applebee's by ourselves. We are anxiously waiting for the couple of warmer days coming this week. There are a few outside jobs needing done before winter settles in. We had snow flakes on Friday, but nothing that stuck. We got home late Friday night from working at the apartment house, and when we got home I looked up at the sky and could not believe the number of stars out. I can not remember the last time I saw a sky so full of stars. It was just beautiful. I got a big jump start to my Christmas shopping on Wednesday when I met my mom and sister for a day of shopping- we did shop till we dropped. Everyone was exhausted when we wrapped up. I can hardly believe we are into Novemeber already, where does the time go?
Monday, November 1, 2010
Hodge Podge
First an appology to my husband. He feels bad about the way I portrayed him in my last entry as he sounded insensitive to my plight. In reality, I did not tell him until the very end I was so uncomfortable, so we could get that horrible job done. I was going for funny as to the similarity between building with him and my dad. Sorry, Honey.
Steve took Sadie out to go potty today and brought her back in with a head full of burrs. Apparently, she found the only burr bush in the yard and stuck her whole head in it to investigate. It took both Mike and Steve holding and petting her, while I had the scissors cutting out the burrs. Why is it that if there is ONE THING out there to get in trouble with the kids or the pets will find it??
Today was a great day! The weather was sunny and beautiful and I began putting up my outside lights for Christmas. I promised Mike that I would not begin until after Halloween and will not plug them in until Thanksgiving, but we have that new light show to figure out - I have to set up the "zones" that will flash to the music and I want to have a while to do that. Plus it is wireless so every reciever has to be close enough to communicate with the transmitter, but not too close to the other receivers. I even broke out my "White Christmas" DVD and watched Bing serenade Rosemary Clooney while I strug lights on tomatoe cages to make mini trees (I got that idea from a web site!). The weather is still great so it makes decocrating much more pleasent. When he got home from work, Mike even helped me put a couple of things out. My Hero!! Hopefully I will get the rest done tomorrow and then I just have to figure what gets put on the same cord for the "zones" then check it out to make sure it all works. Think I'm rushing the season? I have a Christmas shopping day with my mom and sister scheduled later this week to get everything kicked off.
Steve took Sadie out to go potty today and brought her back in with a head full of burrs. Apparently, she found the only burr bush in the yard and stuck her whole head in it to investigate. It took both Mike and Steve holding and petting her, while I had the scissors cutting out the burrs. Why is it that if there is ONE THING out there to get in trouble with the kids or the pets will find it??
Today was a great day! The weather was sunny and beautiful and I began putting up my outside lights for Christmas. I promised Mike that I would not begin until after Halloween and will not plug them in until Thanksgiving, but we have that new light show to figure out - I have to set up the "zones" that will flash to the music and I want to have a while to do that. Plus it is wireless so every reciever has to be close enough to communicate with the transmitter, but not too close to the other receivers. I even broke out my "White Christmas" DVD and watched Bing serenade Rosemary Clooney while I strug lights on tomatoe cages to make mini trees (I got that idea from a web site!). The weather is still great so it makes decocrating much more pleasent. When he got home from work, Mike even helped me put a couple of things out. My Hero!! Hopefully I will get the rest done tomorrow and then I just have to figure what gets put on the same cord for the "zones" then check it out to make sure it all works. Think I'm rushing the season? I have a Christmas shopping day with my mom and sister scheduled later this week to get everything kicked off.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
The Fair Method
When I was growing up, I learned how to build and remodel from my dad and my grandfather. I also learned how to be the good building assistant, from what I had seen my mom and my grandmother doing to help. Most of this help involved holding things. Usually holding them above your head, and for long periods of time while the men stood back to look at how the project was coming, is the thing (2x4, cupboard, light....what the thing was doesn't matter, it was the process) level, in the right spot, going to work....... Little did I realize that this Fair Method Of Building would also be the Lee Method. I must admit to a little guilty pleasure last year when my parents came over to help us put the new cupboards in the kitchen - dad was holding up a cabinet while Mike was checking it out. I seem to remember something coming out of dad's mouth to the effect of "Hurry up, this is heavy". HMMM, seemed familiar. So, this week Mike and I were building a trap door to the basement at the apartment house. Mike was attaching struts to make the door easy to lift and stay up on it's own. While he was doing this, I had to hold the 75 pound door up on about a 75 degree angle while Mike worked on the parts. This involved letting my hand that was holding the door rest on my shoulder (it hurt too much to just let the door rest on my shoulder by itself). After about a half hour of doing this (with the occasional reprive of letting it down while he checked how the struts were working), I told Mike that even though I was using my shoulder, the door was still heavy. Finally he told me to let it down. By this time, my whole arm was asleep, shoulder to wrist. Instead of putting it down slowly like he wanted, it slammed down. I think the Lee method is a little worse than the Fair method was.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Horse or Mouse?
Yes, you read that right. We had the fun job of demolition this weekend. We took down some plaster walls in the rental house, which we try to do as neatly as possible, so whenever we can pull off chunk of plaster to put in our dumping buckets, we do - there gets to be enough on the floor no matter how careful we try to be. Mike was doing the high part of the ceiling (11 foot ceilings there) and handing me down plaster. These 150 year old houses, have horse hair mixed in the plaster to make it stronger. As Mike passed me a couple of chunks, I screamed. I thought there was a mouse that came out of the wall with the plaster. Mike just laughed and reminded me about the horse hair, some spots have much bigger clumps than others, and he had just handed me a piece of plaster with a big chunk of hair in it.
Friday, October 22, 2010
They Just Don't Understand
Wednesday night my husband and I had to make a supply run to the home improvement store. After we looked for the supplies we needed, we ended up in the holiday section. Low and behold, I found the very thing I was lamenting not being able to get earlier this year. On QVC I had found the coolest thing during Christmas in July - a lightshow programable tree - I was only able to get one, they were out and back ordered. Then the news via e-mail they would not be getting any more this season. Oh, I wanted 3 of them. Whoo, hoo, these looked like the one I had gotten, but I could not be sure of the brand. Then the other item I have been drooling over ( a wirless, musical, lightshow that makes your Christmas lights flash to the music) was on sale. My loving husband made a special trip back to that store after we had visited the other home improvement store to get everything we needed, just so we could get these items (just between you and me, I don't think he is nearly as Grinchy as he would have me believe).
Yesterday while the boys were at school and Mike at work, I unpacked my treasures. The brands of the trees are the same!!! The wireless light show is cool - not as sophisticated as the real big displays they show on TV, but good enough for now. Now I have drawn out the yard, and am working on my design for our outside decor. My boys (all 3 of them) didn't realize the planning that goes into this stuff. We only have 3 outside outlets, only 4 wirless recievers to make the show, and a huge yard. I also need to balance it all out on the breakers so I don't blow the circut. I can't put lights on our tall house (afraid of heights), Mike won't have time with all there is to do at the rental, so I have to figure a design that won't look like I just forgot to light the house. I also don't want to be the house that looks like Christmas just "threw up" in the yard. You know the ones I am talking about - everything imaginable is in the yard, every square inch occupied by something. Nothing goes together, it's just an over whelming mess. So the planning continues. I want to be starting to put up the lights outside on Nov 1, so I have it just the way I want it by Thanksgiving. I guess the real big shows in people's yards start going up in September, so Mike should be grateful we aren't that big - yet.
Yesterday while the boys were at school and Mike at work, I unpacked my treasures. The brands of the trees are the same!!! The wireless light show is cool - not as sophisticated as the real big displays they show on TV, but good enough for now. Now I have drawn out the yard, and am working on my design for our outside decor. My boys (all 3 of them) didn't realize the planning that goes into this stuff. We only have 3 outside outlets, only 4 wirless recievers to make the show, and a huge yard. I also need to balance it all out on the breakers so I don't blow the circut. I can't put lights on our tall house (afraid of heights), Mike won't have time with all there is to do at the rental, so I have to figure a design that won't look like I just forgot to light the house. I also don't want to be the house that looks like Christmas just "threw up" in the yard. You know the ones I am talking about - everything imaginable is in the yard, every square inch occupied by something. Nothing goes together, it's just an over whelming mess. So the planning continues. I want to be starting to put up the lights outside on Nov 1, so I have it just the way I want it by Thanksgiving. I guess the real big shows in people's yards start going up in September, so Mike should be grateful we aren't that big - yet.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
That Darn Cat
Our kitty Santara is the one on the aniexty meds. We were told to try to make her life as stress free as possible, including making sure she had her own food and water dishes. Her world revolves around the bathroom, which is where her happy pheremon plug in is, so that is where we put her dishes. Mind you, the other set of dishes is just on the other side of our bedroom, on the landing of the stairs to keep the dog out of the cat food. The last two nights, Santara woke Mike up in the middle of the night because her food dish is empty (both cats seem to eat the most in the night - I can go to bed and they have plenty of food, but when morning comes, they are low to out of food). So in the night she walks out of the bathroom and across our room to wake up Mike. Now, if I measure, Mike sleeps about 3 feet from the other food dish. Santara will now ignore that bowl, even if it is the only one containing food, and cry for the new dish to be filled. And Mike, will get up and do what she wants. She certainly has him trained.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Things are progressing nicely at our rental house. We have given ourselves a new deadline, as there are some new ordinances coming into effect in the city the house is in. We're working hard every day to get the last apartment done before the end of October. Mike got some of the bedroom wiring done last night and I cleaned the apartment (why is that always MY job?) I do claim one small victory, though. I had just swept the big bedroom and Mike was wiring the light switch. He threw wire trash on the floor, looked at me, and then picked it back up. I gave him a trash can and he used that the rest of the night. If you know Mike, you know what a win that is! Unfortunately, I didn't feel good by the time we left there last night, so today I am resting so I will be up for more renovations tonight. It's hard to accomplish too much when you only have a couple of hours on a week night, but we have to use what time we have. There are some things I can do during the day while Mike is at work, so I will be spending lots of time there during the day. I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL WE ARE DONE WORKING ON THIS HOUSE!!!!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Fun Day
We just returned from the Notre Dame / Western football game. I haven't been to a college football game since I was in college. The boys have never been to any football games, not even high school. They loved it, although they were embarassed by their mother cheering for her Alma Mader while they were rooting for Notre Dame. We had to call the Grandpas to tell them to watch the game, we are there, maybe we'll be on TV. I'm sure we were not, but we had a good time. Western was the under dog but I thought they did well considering the calaber they play at and the way the Irish play. We all enjoyed the marching band, the boys were considering whether they want to try for their school marching band in a year or two. A small group of the band came and sat around our seats and played a fight song after half time. There was a small group of trombones (Steve's instrument) sitting in front of us. It was really cool. I think the boys got much more excited about their instruments, especially when they heard songs from Shrek, and Star Wars.
New Title
Well, I finally have a new title I can refer to myself as. Last night we were at the apartment house, collecting rent, emptying the coin operated laundry machines, and then putting up the wall that turns this last apartment from one bedroom to two. As we were putting up the wall, our newest tenant came over and asked Mike if I was there. She told the two of us something and then left. When I asked Mike if I had heard her ask for me, he said yes. But she had not told me anything she couldn't have told him, and nothing after he went back to working on his wall. I told him that she just likes me better. He said, "Well, you are the property manager and all I am is the co-owner and worker". Yes, he is the "handyman" around there. So, my new title is "Property Manager" - I wonder if that comes with a salary? Wait, he didn't mention I'm also book keeper - and in that copacity, I know, there will be no salary.
Friday, October 15, 2010
I need more hours in a day. There just seems to be so much to get done, and no time to do it. In fact, I can not believe I ever got anything done when I worked full time and was a single parent. Today is laundry day - it is supposed to be a sunny, breezy day - a great day to hang the clothes out on the line. I need to spend a few days at the apartment house, but that never happened this week. Yesterday was errand day with a pleasant afternoon visiting with my Grandmother. The weekends are always booked up with the things Mike and I need to do together, plus some quality time spent with the boys. We need to lay the hardwood floor in the "in-law apartment" this weekend, Mike is worried that it will begin to warp if we don't lay it soon.
Mike just shakes his head when I begin decorating. I have the fall decorating done - mostly anyway. When I put away the Halloween specific stuff, the Thanksgiving will then appear. As a man who never worried about decorating, he just doesn't get it. This is one of my favoite times of the year. I can get out my bulky sweaters, it's the perfect time for scented candles, the leaves are beautiful. And I look good in dark brown and green - fall colors!!
Mike just shakes his head when I begin decorating. I have the fall decorating done - mostly anyway. When I put away the Halloween specific stuff, the Thanksgiving will then appear. As a man who never worried about decorating, he just doesn't get it. This is one of my favoite times of the year. I can get out my bulky sweaters, it's the perfect time for scented candles, the leaves are beautiful. And I look good in dark brown and green - fall colors!!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Silly Puppy
When we started obedience training this summer with Sadie, she was upset and confused because while the puppies worked hard, their only drink consisted of ice cubes. She would lick a couple, but she was totally un-impressed. After all, the boys had her drinking out of water bottles and I had taught her to eat chicken off a fork when she was sharing a Nelson's Port-A-Pit dinner with Mike and I one day. What is the deal with this hard cold water that does NOT quench a thirst. We were also told in obedience class that when dogs work or exercise hard, we are NOT to give water for at least an hour as it could cause their stomach to twist and then bad things happen (anyone seen Marly and Me?). We should just put some ice in her water bowl, if dogs like ice, she will eat it and get her liquids that way, if not, it will melt slowly and by the time she drinks it, it will be ok for her. This never impressed her either. But somewhere, somehow this has changed. Every now and then I would put an ice cube in her water bowl, usually if one fell on the floor while we were getting it out of the ice dispenser on the fridge- she tries to get it out, and it reminds us of kids bobbing for apples (just as much water mess on the floor too!). Now, whenever she hears the ice dispenser, she is at my side, waiting for hers. I will now put the ice in my cup, and take one out to give her before the water goes in. She takes it off to chew happily (usually on my living room area rug). Yesterday I was making iced tea for the boys, filling the pitcher with ice. Apparently that was taking too long, because she started nosing the bottom of the pitcher, as if to tell me to hurry up with her cube. One lady at obedience told me that her dog likes ice so much, he helps himself at the fridge dispenser. Hope she never figures out how to use that!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Oh, Christmas Tree
Last year on Christmas morning our tree was so wobbly, that we took it down as soon as the presents were opened. We did not want to take the chance of it crashing down will all the ornaments on it. It slowly went to the garbage man for the next few weeks. Yesterday I was watching some QVC (hey, there wasn't anything on TV!) and it happened to be a Christmas item day. I got on line, for QVC, and began looking at trees. I found what we were looking for - 12 foot, pre-lit, white lights, not too wide at the bottom, fairly reasonable price for the size, only $20 shipping - and showed Mike when he got home from work (remember my Grinch?). I was debating between that one and a 9 foot tree. We got out the tape measure to see how high each would come on the front wall in the living room. I wondered if the 12 foot was over -kill. Mike said he was fine with a grand tree. I wondered if he would actively participate in the decorating of the top part of the tree and was assured he would. The tree is now ordered and should be here next week. He says I can't put it up when it gets here, though. Bahh, Humbug.
We're Being Invaded!
While we were sitting down at the dinner table last night, one of the boys looked up at the ceiling. Why are all those lady bugs in here? Up we all look, and sure enough, there are probably 50 lady bugs crawling on the ceiling. Now I thought the lady bugs swarm in the spring. In fact I had been congratulating us that this spring we never saw more than maybe 10 a day - most of them in my bathroom, and to be more exact, several dead and alive in the bath tub every time I wanted a bath. But they were not as bad as I remembered them being last year. Mike tells me, yes they are out in the spring, but now they are trying to find a warm place to spend the winter. Looks like next spring there will be lots more lady bugs around.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Let The Fun Begin
Friday I picked Sadie up from the vet. We had her spayed - we really thought about whether or not to be responsible pet owners...... she is such a good girl, wouldn't it be great to let her have puppies??? But in the end, practicallity set in, and the appointment made. Now, how to make sure a 7 month old puppy stays calm for 10 days of recovery?
I am finally able to prepare for 2011. I ran to the nearest Office Max today for my yearly calendar. As much as Mike makes fun of me and my need to plan ahead and be organized, he was looking for a new calendar last week to put his next denist appointment on. Birthdays have been transfered and it is ready to go. I made us a P&L (profits and loss) statement on the rental property for the year, and Mike and I agreed on rent increases for new leases signed next year. Maybe 2011 will have that house making us some money instead of costing us so much. I hope so.
We bought 2x4's to put up a dividing wall in our final apartment we need to renovate, to make it into a 2 bedroom. We really need to have this apartment finished by January 1, 2011. We will be starting the wall this week. I need to start chiseling out the cracks in the plaster to make a bigger area so the plaster mixture will stick to the wall and fix the cracks. Boy, there are a lot of cracks!! Luckily, this apartment is going to come along fairly easily. We already drywalled the ceilings to the living and bed rooms. Just need to put up the tin ceiling panels in the living room. Most of the walls are salvagable, just fixing the cracks and paint. We have good hardwood flooring, we just need to fix the centers, sand and re-finish. Re-place some window panes and those rooms should be done. The kitchen needs a new sub-floor and linoleum, strip wall paper, and paint. Oh, that room needs a new ceiling. Bathroom needs painted, new tile floor, install all fixtures and done. I think our Jan goal is do-able.
We also finished the texture paint on the ceiling of the in-law apartment Mike is building on our property. Today he is sanding walls so I can paint tomorrow. Gotta have all that done before we lay the hardwood flooring that is sitting and waiting patiently to be installed. Oh, and he installed the door on the bathroom closet for my clothes. He will sand that drywall then hang the bar and it is ready for me to have closet space!!!!
I wonder when things will settle down. I guess after the apartments are finished.
I am finally able to prepare for 2011. I ran to the nearest Office Max today for my yearly calendar. As much as Mike makes fun of me and my need to plan ahead and be organized, he was looking for a new calendar last week to put his next denist appointment on. Birthdays have been transfered and it is ready to go. I made us a P&L (profits and loss) statement on the rental property for the year, and Mike and I agreed on rent increases for new leases signed next year. Maybe 2011 will have that house making us some money instead of costing us so much. I hope so.
We bought 2x4's to put up a dividing wall in our final apartment we need to renovate, to make it into a 2 bedroom. We really need to have this apartment finished by January 1, 2011. We will be starting the wall this week. I need to start chiseling out the cracks in the plaster to make a bigger area so the plaster mixture will stick to the wall and fix the cracks. Boy, there are a lot of cracks!! Luckily, this apartment is going to come along fairly easily. We already drywalled the ceilings to the living and bed rooms. Just need to put up the tin ceiling panels in the living room. Most of the walls are salvagable, just fixing the cracks and paint. We have good hardwood flooring, we just need to fix the centers, sand and re-finish. Re-place some window panes and those rooms should be done. The kitchen needs a new sub-floor and linoleum, strip wall paper, and paint. Oh, that room needs a new ceiling. Bathroom needs painted, new tile floor, install all fixtures and done. I think our Jan goal is do-able.
We also finished the texture paint on the ceiling of the in-law apartment Mike is building on our property. Today he is sanding walls so I can paint tomorrow. Gotta have all that done before we lay the hardwood flooring that is sitting and waiting patiently to be installed. Oh, and he installed the door on the bathroom closet for my clothes. He will sand that drywall then hang the bar and it is ready for me to have closet space!!!!
I wonder when things will settle down. I guess after the apartments are finished.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
You've Got To Be Kidding
Yesterday was laundry day. As I was straightening the house while doing the many loads that seem to accumulate, I was doing a laundry sweep. Into the pile with the kitchen towels, throw rugs and placemats. It was a beautiful day, so everything that could went out on the clothes line. As I was pulling the placemats out of the basket, to hang on the line (mind you they were new for fall this year) I noticed they had shrunk quite a lot. HUHH? OK, check the care tag and ...... spot clean only. Why, oh why, would anyone manufacture a placemat that can not be thrown in the washing machine? I don't know about the rest of the world, but my family is a little messy - hench the need for the placemats. I guess from now on I have to check the lable before I buy.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
A Noteworthy Day
Last night was a day to mark on the calendar. Are you all waiting on pins and needles to find out what made yesterday so special?? Get ready.......Mike took the last Pella Window sticker out of the windows here at home. Why is that such a big deal? Well, he built the house 10 years ago!! As we have been doing some things around the house, we have gradually been taking down stickers for a year - yes, there were several still up when I moved in. Unfortunately, with such large windows, high ceilings and me being afraid of heights..... well, I just couldn't take them out by myself. And this last sticker was in the worst window of all - over a stairway. It was my last window to get my curtain hung in, and I asked him if while he was up there he would PLEASE, PLEASE remove that sticker. He also washed the window and got rid of the cob webs!! What a man.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Pets VS Children
Some days the pets are more trouble than the children. We've been having trouble with Santara. She never really liked me, the boys she avoids like the plague, she and my cat Fiona take turns tormenting the other, and add the puppy....... She started going potty outside the litter box. OK, so I let Mike talk me into putting a litter box upstairs in our bathroom so she would not have to go down to the basement, dodging the rest of the family who lives in the whole house, instead of just upstairs. Mind you, I HATE having a litter box in the bathroom, steping on litter as you walk around barefoot. Anyway, we did that for a while and she was still not using the litterbox. I finally talked Mike into a vet visit for her. The darned cat is now on anti-anxiety medicine!!!.. She has a pheremone that plugs into an outlet like an airfreshener that releases a "happy place" scent to calm her. We also have a liquid to rub inside her ear for more anti-anxiety meds. Just looking at her, you can see the change in her just from the plug in. She is much calmer and more relaxed. Darned if we probably won't have to keep the cat medicated from now on. And I still have to keep a litter box in my bathroom.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Last Satruday night, right before bed, Mike turned on the furnace. Around 5 AM I woke up to a loud sound of something trying to kick on, run loudly, and finally go off. It happened 3 more times before 6. Now, I didn't know that Mike turned on the furnace, I love the house to be cold at night - cuddling up under the blankets is my favorite place to be. I finally woke Mike to see if he could figure out what that awful noise was - I don't sleep well any more, and I am often up for a couple hours in the middle of the night. I KNOW the night sounds in the house, and this was not one of them. He jumped out of bed, and rushed down to the utility room to check on the furnace. He turned it off and told me he thought we must have had a critter of some sort crawl into the furnace over the summer. The boys and I headed off to church, and he stayed home to check on fixing the furnace. Well, no sign of the critter now - he figured it was chewed up in the fan then cremated by the furnace - lovely thought, but there was now a broken part. Some internet research and this is a pricey part, of course they don't just sell the little piece that was broken, you have to buy the whole big assembly. Off to the store, Mike bought some epoxy and announced he would try to fix the part on his own. Today will be the moment of truth. After work tonight he will put the repared part in the furnace and turn it on. Cross your fingers for us!!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
What do you get when you have 6, 8 foot high windows in the living room? Problems with the sun coming in. Also, when it gets dark outside, I like to have curtains closed so no one can see in. We have been living here full time since March and about 6 weeks ago Mike and I went shopping and found curtain material we could both agree on. Since we have so many large windows, we had to order the fabric, and that came in about a month ago. My parents have been traveling around in the motor home, and my mom had offered to help me make the curtains, so I waited for my mom to have time to help me. We decided on Roman Shades, with a valance, and mom has made several sets of these in the past, so the pattern was in her mind, just had to tweak it for the window size. Luckily, I had made some of these about 4 years ago, so I had a basic knowledge for the materials needed, and thank goodness, I didn't forget anything!! Mom came over Monday, and we made the pattern in our mind, then put it to the test on a cheap bed sheet. Wonder of wonders, it worked the first time around!! We were also doing one more shade, for the office, in a different fabric, so we decided to do that one first. We cut out all the others and sewed the side seams. All the machine sewing done, mom left for the day, and I did the stuff left, adding the wood "bones" of the shade, hand sewing in the rings to guide the strings, putting on the hardware, and Mike had to put the hooks into the top of the window opening. We hung the shade to make sure that it still worked, and it did. I made 2 valances so Mike and I could decide what style we liked best . Mom came back and we spent a half day finishing the shades and all the valances. Mom left and again I finished the shades. After dinner I finished haning them and then sat down and just about died.....I was so tired, and my back ached. But the shades look great, and all my boys are happy to be able to drop the shades and block the sun as it sets. Thank goodness for mom or this project would have taken me about 4 days instead of 2.
Monday, September 27, 2010
I have found a new church. I decided in the late spring that since I moved a half hour from the church I have always gone to, I needed to break away and find something closer to my home. There are 2 Catholic churches in neighboring towns, and I had chosen the one located in the same state in which I live. Since the first time I walked in those doors the boys and I talked about how unfriendly they seemed there. Knowing I needed to get the boys into Sunday School classes, I decided to try the one in the town across state lines. Wow, what a difference. The vibe inside the church was different. And it turned out to be CCD Sunday, time to register and class begins today. Alrighty Then, here we go. I went to sign them up and explained we were new to this church. OK, here are the registration cards for CCD, let me get someone to talk to you. Out comes a very friendly, chatty lady, a senior citizen named Pricilla. She talked to me about the program, took the boys to their classrooms, told me to come sit with her in the office because she wanted to get to know me better. She introduced me to lots of people who were coming in and out of the office and made me feel very welcome. This is the church home I have been searching for.
Friday, September 24, 2010
All Done
Feeling bad for myself that is. My husband is asking what happend next in the journey with Steven, so I will sum up here. We were in the hospital for about a week and a half. In this journey, we moved to several different rooms with different intensity of care as he recovered from the surgery. We knew this was only stage one in a long process of reconstruction and different "plumbing fixes" throughout the years. We were given a book on Bladder Exstrophy, different verbal warnings of what to expect - children with this condition are usually very short (HA, blew that one away!), they are prone to have several food allergies that are somehow related to latex allergies (well, no food alergies, just meds and medical tapes), they often get kidney and bladder infections (we've only had one in 12 years), a prescription for anitbiotics that we were told he would be on a daily dose of for several years, these children tend to be very bright, over-achievers, and often go into medicine to help others.
He came home in the body cast, with 3 tubes still in his belly - anyone ever try to diaper a baby in a body cast??? OMG, that was an experience I don't want to ever have to do again! It was a strange double diaper system to try to keep the cast clean. The family and close friends rallied around us, although there were some who came just to see what was wrong with the baby. Those were quickly weeded out. We went back to the hospital weekly for post-op checks and about 3 weeks out, he had to be re-casted because he had already grown so much. At 5 weeks, 2 tubes came out and the cast was removed, a very new experience for both him and me, after he was imobile for so long. I never got back the "scrunchie baby" time when they are newborn and are always curled up, but we finally got to cuddle more. More weekly visits and the last tube was finally taken out. He is such a trooper. We've undergone several more surgeries, some more major than others, and a couple of "procedures", and still have a long journey. Now we wait for him to finish growing and evaluate how everything has grown with him. It's a life long struggle, but he's always been a happy, laughing child, with a great attitude.
He came home in the body cast, with 3 tubes still in his belly - anyone ever try to diaper a baby in a body cast??? OMG, that was an experience I don't want to ever have to do again! It was a strange double diaper system to try to keep the cast clean. The family and close friends rallied around us, although there were some who came just to see what was wrong with the baby. Those were quickly weeded out. We went back to the hospital weekly for post-op checks and about 3 weeks out, he had to be re-casted because he had already grown so much. At 5 weeks, 2 tubes came out and the cast was removed, a very new experience for both him and me, after he was imobile for so long. I never got back the "scrunchie baby" time when they are newborn and are always curled up, but we finally got to cuddle more. More weekly visits and the last tube was finally taken out. He is such a trooper. We've undergone several more surgeries, some more major than others, and a couple of "procedures", and still have a long journey. Now we wait for him to finish growing and evaluate how everything has grown with him. It's a life long struggle, but he's always been a happy, laughing child, with a great attitude.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Day 5
Today, 13 years ago, we realized we were going to be at the hospital for longer than anticipated. Or more accurately, I don't think we thought about how long we would be there. We had been staying at the hotel inside the hospital, which was great but pricey. We checked into whether or not we could stay at the Ronald McDonald House, after all, with my many years of service with the Golden Arches, I knew a lot about the benifits. Unfortunately, it was full. We needed to come home to get some more clothes and other essentials. I needed warm clothes, as I was still freezing up there. We also did some power shopping for Steven. He looked so cold to me, so I bought him some baby undershirts (not the onesies), a pack of beanies for his head, and some sewing supplies. While Jerry drove back to the hospital, I modified the shirts by cutting the shoulder and making it snap so we could take it on and off around the IV lines. Now my baby could have a warm head with the beanies and a warm chest with the shirts. I was satisfied. My parents and my sister were with Steven while I was gone. When I came back, mom and sis had been shopping and bought him several 6-9 month size outfits, since the body cast added so much to his size the newborn clothes we had for him were not going to work. I must say these were the best investment ever---when he came out of the cast, he did go down in size, then he wore the 6-9 month clothes a second time as he grew. My mom also gave him a stuffed lamb that they allowed him to have in his bed. We kept it by his head so he could have a soft friend. After we got back, I finally was allowed to hold my baby post surgery. The nurses helped me sit in a chair, and arranged his tubes for me after they handed him to me. My sweet, snuggly, baby was now stiff because of the cast. But he was such a trooper.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Day 4
13 years ago today, I had my first look at my baby after surgery. ( I was having terrible spinal headaches the last couple days and was dealing with that in the surgery waiting room). He was so small (and look at him now!!). He was in a body cast from the middle of his chest to his ankle on one leg (he had an IV in his foot) and to his toes on the other leg. He also had an IV board on his arm that they put on babies to keep them from messing with the tubes. I was not allowed to hold him, he had 5 tubes coming out of his belly besides the IV's, oxygen moniters and everything else. He didn't have a gown on because of the cast and tubes and I thought he looked cold - it also probably had something to do with the fact that I was extremly cold there - I remember vividly how cold I was. I had been given a book on Bladder Exstrophy and the web site of a support group. 1 in 40,000 babies is born with this birth defect - I began to accept it as such now, when he was born we kept saying he was sick. The doctor told us BE kids often have several food alergies, latex alergies, and are short. HHHMMMM, he eats EVERYTHING, and has been very tall for his age since he was a toddler. We had limited number of and time limits on our visits into the PICU. Jerry and I felt very sorry for ourselves, until during one of our times in the waiting room waiting to get back into our baby, we heard a doctor tell a mother that her baby only had half a heart and would not live. From that day on we lived with the thought that no matter how bad off we think we are, there is always someone who has it worse. We have always felt lucky that anyone just looking at Steve would never know there was anything wrong with him. (Other than being a 13 year old boy)
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Day 3
13 years ago today I was released from the hospital (being told that under normal circumstances I would be staying another day) and headed off to Mott's to be with my infant son. On the way I talked to my mom, the priest was found and was waiting for me to get there to baptise the baby. Later that afternoon he would be going into surgery, where they would close his bladder and put it inside his belly, close the belly, break his pelvis and put him in a cast to imobalize him for the healing. I was so scared, and so drugged up that I did not really know what all this would entail. With my family rallying around me - including my sister who was 3 months pregnant with her first child - we waited. And waited. And waited. I had sent my 2 1/2 day old son in for 9 hours of surgery. We did get a few updates from the operating room, but the wait seemed endless. Finally he was out and into Pediatric ICU.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Day 2
13 years ago today (Wednesday) Jerry and my parents put my newborn baby in the car seat at about 5 AM and headed off to Motts Children's Hospital, the only place the doctor's found who new what was wrong with my son. They had an appointment with the head of the pediatric urology department to find out what needed to be done. I was left behind at the hospital, recovering from my C-section. I had my Grandma and Grandpa Fair sit with me for half the day, and my Grandma Parlin sat with me for the other half. I had a picture of my baby and a very heavy heart. I got the call that he needed surgery, although I don't think any of us really understood yet what was going to happen. I made them promise that if the surgery took place before I could get there, a priest would be found and the baby baptised before he went in. The deacon from our church visited me that day, and I was very upset that I had not thought to have a baptism done the day before, while he was with me. Another call, and I was told the surgery would take place the next day, so I could get there. Jerry and my dad came home and my mom stayed with the baby.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
I'm Old
I am the mother of a teenager. Yes, I know, I look much too good to have children that old - stop laughing, I am feeling old enough. Yesterday Steven turned 13. The week after Steven was born always brings a lot of reflection of what was happening this week the year he was born. Today, I spent the day with my newborn baby boy. A day the doctors said we needed to bond before we began the scary journey into the unknown with a rare birth defect. He came via C-section in the evening, on the day he was due ( a Monday). 7 pounds, 19 inches long. The doctors did not let me hold him, they had never seen Bladder Exstrophy before and were taking pictures and sending them off to find a hospital that knew what this was and that would treat him. I did not even know anything was wrong until the Dr. came to see me in recovery and explain the situation. Finally to my room, and I got to hold my baby. Today (Tuesday) we had a quiet day as a family. This was the only day we had visitors and well-wishers, other than family, and I felt like a normal new mom. It is also the only day I was allowed to nurse my son. Many pictures were taken and run down for one hour photo developing so I would have pictures to look at in the comming days.
Monday, September 13, 2010
We Love Them
Our new renters are getting ready to move in next weekend. The really funny thing is that when she called to ask about he apartment, we were pretty sure we would NOT pick them, but hey, they can look. It is a one bedroom apartment, and it is a married couple with a 4 year old and a dog. At lease signing, we require the first week rent (we charge weekly) plus security deposit. This young couple signed the lease this weekend. We required a high deposit, since they have a dog. With the renter we had here in the basement, we discoved the damage even a sweet tempered dog could do - ruined a screen, a blind, a corner of the garage siding, and the door casing on the outside door. The day after she looked at the apartment, she met me with half the deposit (after I checked her application and told her we would indeed rent to her) and told me she could have the other half for me when we got back from Santa Claus. She also wanted me to have internet hooked up (we pay the utilities, although they pay extra for things like internet or more than basic cable.) Saturday she met me with the rest of the deposit plus her week rent. I gave her the bill for the internet hook up and first month. She cheerfully told me she would have it for me the next day. Oh, and can they pay rent 2 weeks at a time since he is paid bi-weekly. Sure no problem. Next day she hands me the internet fees for Sept, and hook up, along with 2 more weeks rent and internet fees for Oct. Wow. Mike declared to me that he loves them. Then she asked me could she pay more money ahead so they have some extra paid in case something would ever happen. YES, YES, YES. We want them to stay forever. They have also agreed that when a 2 bedroom apartment opens up to move into it and pay the higher rent they cost (one is rented right now, the other is under renovation, hopefully to be done by the end of the year). The absolute best part is now that 2 of the 3 apartments are rented, the house bills are paid by the rent, and our personal money does not have to go to that house anymore!! Once we have number 3 going, we will actually be turning a profit on the house!!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Last night we were at the apartment house, and Mike asked me to strip the paint and stain off the end pieces of the steps (they had to come off when we took out the spindles to take them to the stripper). He had bought some super-duper heavy duty stuff that he used on the steps to get off the paint the vandals had thrown(and it worked great), so I got that out and then looked for something to put the stripper in. I settled on 2 plastic disposable cups( I was going to have Pete help me - of course he had to go to the bathroom first- as he does whenever there is work to do). I poured stripper in one and when I dipped my brush the second time, the plastic of the cup was getting soft, so I put that cup into the other one. Before one minute was out (Pete was just out from the potty), I picked up the cup for another dip, and the bottom was eaten out of both cups!! WOW, that WAS strong. Needless to say, I was not letting Pete use that stuff! It did work well, and I got half of them done last night.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Is The Forrest Still There?
Do you remember that old saying "He can't see the forrest for the trees"? Seems that is where I have been these last few months. Apparently, I have been depressed and did not even realize it. I only do now, because I am feeling so much better this week. So, better late than never, I am making some resolutions.... I will be good to myself, taking time to relax, play with the puppy, have a bubble bath or whatever passes that day as pampering myself. I will dance my way through the housework to my favorite CD of the week (making that plan of what to do each day that I have been told is essesential to getting it all done every week). I will not let others (however unwittingly) point our how others do this house wife thing better than I do. (How many of you have told someone "When I was a kid my mom....fill in the blank here) I find that without my job as restaurant manager, I have lost my idenity. Sure, I'm "Mom", but when people I meet ask me what I do, I find myself struggeling for a description. So today, with my freshly painted toe nails, and curled hair I am beginning my new life!
Domestic Goddess
SSSIIIGGGHHHH. I will never be housewife of the year. I have resigned myself to this fact. I wonder if domestic goddess has a little lower standard of cleanliness and mybe more of me looking good...... Yesterday for the first time since the hot, humid weather arrived I curled my hair and put on make-up just because. It made me feel good about myself so now I will get back to doing this everyday even if I am not going out to work every day. Today is Thursday, we got back from vacation on Monday night and I still have not finished cleaning up the camper and getting everything washed and put back away. The last 2 mornings I have spent in the apartment house waiting for the cable guy to come hook up the internet for the new renters coming in (the first time he did not have everything he needed on his truck and had to come back). Then home to do some laundry, dishes, start dinner so we could eat as soon as the boys got home from work and school and off to the apartment house for the evening. Today I am home all day until after dinner and back up to the apartment. Maybe I will make more progress today. Meanwhile my sister is so much better at this than I am. Her kids returned to school a week after mine did, and she is diving head long into all that stuff that builds up when everyone is home and making messes behind you when you just cleaned that. I am trying........
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Last night we returned from our trip to Santa Claus. I knew it was going to be a long drive, but with lots of anticipation, and some preperation, off we went. Mike took a half vacation day, and the boys both have study hall last hour, so they got out of school an hour early so we could set off as early as possible. We arrived very late Friday night. Mike - God Bless Him - parked the camper without much effort in the dark, in an unfamiliar place. We decided that Saturday would be our relaxing day. I had been looking forward to visiting the Christmas store, so off we went for an afternoon of shopping bliss - for me, Mike smiled, watched my pleasure and tolerated the trip. We went first to the Kringle Place shopping center (big parking lot with about a dozen shops). I was expecting a Bronners type store - huge, overflowing with all imaginable things Christmas. I was disappointed by the 3 room store, although I am sure most people would have been impressed by that. We turned one corner and just about ran over Santa as he was going back to have his picture taken with some children. I hope since we only almost ran over him he didn't put me on the naughty list! The boys emphatically refused to get their picture taken with the Jolly Old Elf. We went to the Santa Claus Museum - of the town, not the person. Driving around we found the Candy Castle and drank the speciality - frozen hot chocolate. I then asked Mike to find the downtown so we could bask in the charm of a small town with such a cool theme. Mike looked at me and told me that he had asked around and there is no uptown. Just the shopping center. What a let down. I told him we need to move there so I can join the city council and make that small town something worthy of it's name, a destination. Unfortunately, he does not want to commute hours and hours every day to go to work. SIGGGHHH. Sunday we went to the Holiday world amusement park, located next to our campground. I had packed a small cooler of drinks to find out that all over this park are "oasis" stations of complimentary soft drinks. They also had sunscreen stations with free sunscreen. The campground had free mini golf. I was unused to all this good will!!! Mike and Steve found great roller coasters. We also had family friendly rides that we all rode. The boys all went to the water park for the huge water slides and a water roller coaster. We still had lots of fun, even if I had made this trip into something bigger than it turned out to be. I'm glad we went.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
I Can't Believe It
My new washer has a glass lid. As we looked at them, the lower end modles had regular solid lids. I told Mike that I did not plan to stand there and watch the clothes wash so I did not care whether I had a glass lid or not. Mike installed the washer for me last night after he got home from work (as he was laughing at me - the other washer was not leaking THAT bad, so I had towels on the floor to channel the water to the floor drain and was continuing to do that mountain of laundry). He started the first load after he hooked it up, while I was hanging clothes on the line. He came outside to tell me that there would be a line in front of the washer for a little while. Silly me, I thought he meant some water line or something that he could not hook up right then, but NO........ he meant a line of critters watching the washer work through the glass lid. When I came in, the boys were in front of the washer and there was cat fur on the lid. Not only were the boys watching, but Pete had set Fiona on the lid to see too. As I was reading up on it, in the laundry room, the noise it was making changed, and both Mike and I looked inside to see what it was doing. Back to the manual, another new noise, we both look. OK, OK, we watched the clothes wash for a while. But as soon as the novilty wears off, I refuse to do that any more!!!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Steve Wants To Join The Circus
Yep, you read that right. Saturday one of the smaller circuses came to town. We were down at the Big Top at 9 AM, when as advertised, we saw the elephant pull up the big poles for the Big Top. Then home for a while. At 5:30 we went out to watch the circus. I knew the boys had never been to a circus before and I don't remember ever going to one either. Mike says he has been to several, but it was going to be a fun, family activity. I really liked the trained tiger show. Steve liked the trained dogs. Pete said he just liked the whole thing. It was a great evening.
Things Finally Worked Out
For the first time in a long time, things worked out this week. For the last couple of weeks things have been breaking- the computer printer picks and chooses what things on a page it wants to print - not good when trying to run a MapQuest!! The washing machine started making bad, loud noises (although still worked) and the better dryer Mike put in our laundry room in place of ours would not work consistanly for me - imagine the frustration of laundry day when the dryer may start 3 times for me (in a 7 hour period), but when I would complain to Mike, it always started for him -even if I would call him down right after I could not start it. FINALLY, FINALLY he figured out the switch that senses the door being closed was broken and he ordered a new one for me, showing me a trick to run it in the mean time. So today there is a mountain of laundry (it really piles up when the dryer is broken) but more about that in a minute. We took a van load of stuff to Good Will last night from our garage sale / home consolidation and decided to do some needed shopping while we were out. Off to Home Depot for things needed for the apartment house (looks like apartment #2 will be rented before the end of Septemter) and we began washer window shopping. I had my mind set on a front loader to save water, soap, etc , Mike was going to build me a step for the washer/dryer so we did not spend extra money buying pedistals. HMMM, sales going on: 10% off Energy Star, plus a $50 mail in rebate. Shopping may get a little more serious. The sales man came over, "No, I don't need help, I'm looking at the front loaders" I say as I am checking out the LG's (mom and sister both have the LG front loaders and are very pleased with them) "Are you sure?" salesman asks. Seems the new top loaders have the same water and energy effeciency, same tub agitaion, same great warrenties - and the tubs are bigger. HMMMM, new twist. OK, show them to me and tell me the differences and we decide on the top loader. Seems just like the front loaders, LG and Maytag are the best brands. Maytag is built 100% in the USA - big selling point for me, and remember from earlier posts, all my new kitchen appliances are Maytag and I have been having great luck with them. OHHH, here is a clearance Maytag, big tub, commercial motor, just not going to keep the display anymore because in this economy, they are displaying the cheaper, lower end modles. On sale from the company $100 off, On clearance 20% off, Energy Star 10% off, Mail in rebate $50 off. Soon they will be paying me to take this thing!! For the price of the low end modle we got a great machine. We load it up in the back of the van and head home. No hurry to unload, the other one still works, I have a bunch of laundry and a bunch of regular (not the HE laundry soap) so will get all this done using the old machine. Half way through today's laundry, the washer started leaking from the bottom, good thing there is a floor drain in the laundry room. Luckily, the washer is ready to unload and hook up, we didn't have to emergency shop for it, we got a great deal too boot. Things are looking up.
By the way, I also got a new, wirless printer last night, I don't even have to go in the office to hook up the USB cable when I want to print something I am working on in the living room. Too cool!
By the way, I also got a new, wirless printer last night, I don't even have to go in the office to hook up the USB cable when I want to print something I am working on in the living room. Too cool!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
A Muddy Mess!
Yesterday we put the pup out on her chain to let her play in her pool and just chill while she spent some time outside. I looked out the window, and she was chewing on the side of her pool. Steve went out and tipped the water out of it and moved it out of her reach and came back in. After a while we walked out to get Sadie and she was a MUDDY MESS!!! She had apparently rolled in the muddy water where her pool was dumped and had a glorious time. The mud was in her ears, her white legs were black, her back was matted with dried mud. Time for a bath, so we filled her pool back up, got out the puppy shampoo and tried to hold her wiggling, playing self still for a quick bath. No go, at this age she is a bundle of muscle and energy and no control. I had to send Pete in to get Mike to help me hold her while the boys washed. She had bounced in and out of the pool a couple of times (did I mention what a muddy mess she was?) and the water was black. The first thing Mike said when he came out was - why are we giving her a bath in dirty water? Well, it WAS clean when we started.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Let's see....where did I leave off? My coat closet has been almost completed - One piece of upper trim still needed and the office walls still need to be sanded and painted then that is done!!! I put together my organazational pieces (4 of them) and Mike hung my closet bar. Pete has the first coats hanging up in there. I'm so happy!!!
Yesterday was Mike and my 1st year anniversery. We spent the day in Chicago and the boys spent the day with Mike's parents so we could have a day to ourselves. We took the train in - it doesn't save anytime, but we don't have to drive or try to park there.
Steve has some complications with his surgery incision again. We go see his specialist later this week - his family Dr. did not want to do much with it, she would rather we go to him. I totally understand that. It does not help to keep a mother from worrying. I wish I hadn't pushed for him to have that last surgery, I thought it would only do good things for him and his self esteem, but it seems to be one thing going wrong after another.
Yesterday was Mike and my 1st year anniversery. We spent the day in Chicago and the boys spent the day with Mike's parents so we could have a day to ourselves. We took the train in - it doesn't save anytime, but we don't have to drive or try to park there.
Steve has some complications with his surgery incision again. We go see his specialist later this week - his family Dr. did not want to do much with it, she would rather we go to him. I totally understand that. It does not help to keep a mother from worrying. I wish I hadn't pushed for him to have that last surgery, I thought it would only do good things for him and his self esteem, but it seems to be one thing going wrong after another.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Well, my coat closet is almost done. We are down to just the mudding and sanding. It will be ready to paint soon, and then put up the door and trim - sorry, Honey, but we are going to put that up right away!! I bought cubicles to put on the back and side walls to organize, so Mike doesn't have to make anything. (That way he can start on my clothes closet sooner!! See how I worked that our for both of our benifits?) I will be hanging coats up before next weekend!
We measured our Baby Girl (Sadie) this morning. Last night the boys let her in right after Mike got home from work, and she jumped up to see him (she loves her daddy so!) and her front feet were on my shoulder blade!! Standing (with 4 on the floor) she is 23 inches from floor to shoulder and 37 inches long from nose to rump. She just turned 5 months old!!
We measured our Baby Girl (Sadie) this morning. Last night the boys let her in right after Mike got home from work, and she jumped up to see him (she loves her daddy so!) and her front feet were on my shoulder blade!! Standing (with 4 on the floor) she is 23 inches from floor to shoulder and 37 inches long from nose to rump. She just turned 5 months old!!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
One More Week!!
One more week, one more week, one more week-- until the boys go back to school!!! Yesterday we performed the new school time ritual here, before school even started. It was school pictures, pick up class schedules, receive and fill out all that yearly paperwork, find lockers and try the combination, put money into lunch accounts, and pay the yearly book fees. WWWHHHEEWWWW. But it's done now and this week we should get a call from the bus driver telling us what time the boys will be picked up this year. They are in the same school again - both in Middle School (remember when we were young and it was Junior High?), so they will be going at the same time for the first time in a couple of years. They had a short summer vacation here- just over 2 months, but it's what kept me sane my first summer home with the children, all day, every day.... One more week, just one more week!!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
As a follow up to our dinner with the Chinese last week, Mike received a call from one of the Americans working with the Chinese on the contract to partner the two companies. Our dinner last week was on Tuesday and they told Mike that on Thursday while the negotiations were going on, this gentleman looked up from his paper work to see one of the Chinese gentlemen eating one of the ears of corn. I can just imagine - everyone working hard to agree on the terms of this partnership, they are supposed to leave the next day, so things are stressful to finish up. Looking up to clear up whatever point is on the table, and how funny to see someone just eating (cold mind you) corn on the cob!! The guy was laughing his butt off when he called Mike.
My coat closet has been started. Today we went to the home improvement store (good thing Mike got some gift cards and cash for his birthday last week!). We got home, had dinner, cleared out the corner of the office we are working in, and then Mike took down the half wall and framed up the outer wall to the closet. We talked about design and function since this is going to be a deep closet, I get a shelving unit in the back for boots, mittens, hats, and my craft stuff and he will have a shelving unit on the side for his boxes of paperwork that were stored in that corner on a plastic shelf. I will still have lots of room for our coats ( yeah, get them out of the bedrooms - Mike and I have no room in our closet as it is, that's why I am getting a new closet up there later this month!) He had originally designed a coat closet to be off the kitchen, but I claimed that space as a pantry over a year ago. Yeah, time to work on our house!!!
My coat closet has been started. Today we went to the home improvement store (good thing Mike got some gift cards and cash for his birthday last week!). We got home, had dinner, cleared out the corner of the office we are working in, and then Mike took down the half wall and framed up the outer wall to the closet. We talked about design and function since this is going to be a deep closet, I get a shelving unit in the back for boots, mittens, hats, and my craft stuff and he will have a shelving unit on the side for his boxes of paperwork that were stored in that corner on a plastic shelf. I will still have lots of room for our coats ( yeah, get them out of the bedrooms - Mike and I have no room in our closet as it is, that's why I am getting a new closet up there later this month!) He had originally designed a coat closet to be off the kitchen, but I claimed that space as a pantry over a year ago. Yeah, time to work on our house!!!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Yesterday was a day of rest for us. Mike was such a trooper when we shopped Saturday for materials for the Roman Shades I am going to make, we decreed Sunday to be a "Do Nothing Day" Mike stayed in his jammies until noon, only a moderate amount of laundry was done, a movie had been rented Saturday night to watch on Sunday (Rated R, so the boys spent the afternoon in the basement, a treat in itself!) Even Sadie was being lazy. We needed it, and I think we earned it. This week now will bring more finishing details to the house - a closet or two is the next project on the agenda - one for my clothes, one for coats!!! Hallelujah, life is good!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Yesterday Mike and I had a bunch of errands to run. We have been so busy lately that we had to get some stuff done. We had a gift certificate from our wedding to the local meat market that will expire in a couple weeks, so we used that. We headed out for the nearest large town to go to the fabric store, we needed to pick out material for curtains for the living rooom now that we have it almost done. As we were heading out of town, we drove by my all time favorite restaurant, and out in the grass next to the parking lot was a helicopter. Now, I just assumed it had something to do with the antique show and old car show that we had driven by earlier. Mike said no, it was a private helicopter that someone had flown over to eat at the restaurant. I told him it was probably "Marine 1", we know that the President was in Chicago, and we are just a hop, skip, and a jump from there.....
We ended up having to hit another large town for the material we were looking for, but we did come to an agreement on the fabric. With such large windows, we had to order the fabric, and I started making my list of the parts we would need to make the Roman Shades and valances. Part of the things I picked up in the fabric store - my hubby was a trooper and did not complain as I walked around looking for the things I needed. Then we went to the hardware store to get the rest of my materials. It was the first time we ever went to the hardware store together for stuff I needed and nothing for him. I still need a few things, but I can pick them up up when I go up to get my special order fabric. I even got materials for the office shade. My mom is going to come over when the boys go back to school and things settle down to help me make the shades. Mike will have to put up the hooks and hang the blinds, since both me and my mom are afraid of heights, and the top of the windows are about 11 feet off the floor. I can not wait to get this house done - it is looking so great already!!
We ended up having to hit another large town for the material we were looking for, but we did come to an agreement on the fabric. With such large windows, we had to order the fabric, and I started making my list of the parts we would need to make the Roman Shades and valances. Part of the things I picked up in the fabric store - my hubby was a trooper and did not complain as I walked around looking for the things I needed. Then we went to the hardware store to get the rest of my materials. It was the first time we ever went to the hardware store together for stuff I needed and nothing for him. I still need a few things, but I can pick them up up when I go up to get my special order fabric. I even got materials for the office shade. My mom is going to come over when the boys go back to school and things settle down to help me make the shades. Mike will have to put up the hooks and hang the blinds, since both me and my mom are afraid of heights, and the top of the windows are about 11 feet off the floor. I can not wait to get this house done - it is looking so great already!!
Friday, August 6, 2010
He Wants To Be A Cowboy
On Monday night, while we were working on the living room, I happened to look out the window. "Mike, there is a cow in our back yard". Off Mike goes to let Jacob know his cow is out, so I went outside to be the cow spotter in case it decied to wander off. Then I realized it was not a cow, it's a bull. Ok, I was being cautious anyway (hey, cows are BIG!) but I was even more cautious now. Mike came home alone and said Jacob would be here soon. He parked my Trail Blazer across the mouth of the drive to encourage him to stay here until he could be packed off to his ladies in the field next door. He just roamed around eating the fresh cut grass - we think that was why he visited us. When Jacob came to get the bull, he had a big stick for herding it, and 5 very small children to help ( I think they were aged about 8-4), both boys and girls. Jacob told them where to stand and then tried to make the bull go back through the fence the way he came. No go. OK, we will have to take him down the drive way and through the gate. Move the children alone the driveway to keep him from running the wrong way, and Mike moved the car. Where am I, you ask? Hey, I've seen the "Running of the Bulls in Pampalona" on TV, I'm behind the grill in easy reach of the garage door should I need to duck in there. Mike used the blazer like a modern day cowboy, chasing it up front and flashing the lights to make it want to leave the yard. The oldest boy (about 8 remember) holds open the gate to the field and in he finally went. Mike wished it had been one day later that this happened so we had some real entertainment for the Chinese deligation!!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
The Third Time's A Charm
Shortly before our rally, the riding lawn mower broke. We did not have time to take care of it before we left and when we returned the repair place was closed due to their family vacation. We still needed to get as much lawn mowed as possible before our dinner party on Tuesday, so the boys push mowed. Steve came inside Monday afternoon, with his face red and splotchy, and if he wasn't so tough, I'm sure he would have been crying. Pete came in with him, all upset telling me that Steve had been stung by a bumble bee over his eyebrow (left eye). I gave him ice and kept an eye on him, since I was not sure he had ever been stung before, so was not sure if he would be allergic. Soon he was smiling and watching TV, so off he was sent again. By this time we had the rider fixed and Mike had gone to get it. So Steve got on the rider and off he went. Soon he was back in again, he had been mowing the back yard in a different area from the last time, a honey bee had stung him above the other eyebrow, in almost the same spot. More ice, more sympathy until again it was obvious he was fine. Off to mow some more, this time the side yard, the back yard would have to wait until late evening when the bees go to bed- he was out of eyebrows anyway.
On a related note, when the Chinese were here Tuesday night, Robert, the interpretor (sp?) of the group, saw our riding lawn mower sitting by the garage. He asked one of the American delegation what it was and he showed Robert how to run it. Mike went outside with his guests in time to see Robert mowing a swath of the front yard and back to the garage again. Robert had a ball. Wonder if he wants to take over the boys mowing chores.....
On a related note, when the Chinese were here Tuesday night, Robert, the interpretor (sp?) of the group, saw our riding lawn mower sitting by the garage. He asked one of the American delegation what it was and he showed Robert how to run it. Mike went outside with his guests in time to see Robert mowing a swath of the front yard and back to the garage again. Robert had a ball. Wonder if he wants to take over the boys mowing chores.....
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
We began to put the "finishes" on the house the week before the rally. So, we had one big, busy week, packed for the rally, gone 8 days, and spent this Sat, Sun, Mon and part of Tuesday in a mad dash. Of course, Tuesday was rather booked up anyway, Steve had ortho at 8 AM, so since I needed to go to Meijers, we got up early and Steve and I left the house early to hit Meijer first and then ran back home. Boys and Sadie were going to Grandma's, so by 2:30, had to leave again to run them over. On the way home, trip to K-Mart for enough matching glasses for our dinner party - thank you Mike for calling me to ask if we had enough so I was not embarassed by our hodge-podge of mismatched sets. Then, racking my brain for a place to pick up fresh gladiolas (sp?) for the table. AHHH, Kroger has nice flowers, yes they have glads, oh no, they are tight buds. HHHMMM, when my sister got married she used glads and my mom had to force them to open using a bucket of warm water the day before. I found the most open ones they had, re-cut the ends and into the vase of warm water. Not open as much as I would have liked, but they were pretty. We had a ton of food. So, here is the answer to the much asked question of what we decided to make as our "American" dinner. Steak on the grill (on sale at Meijer) and marinated baked chicken (thank you sis, for your marinade reciepe, I got several compliments from the American part of the deligation), and the last minute addition of Spaghetti with meat sauce. Mike's speciality is his sauce. I know, lots of food that did not seem to go together, but I guess in China they have several dishes and Mike wanted to try to honor them with that. The corn on the cob was the biggest hit, the President of the company, Mrs. Shu, loved it and took the left over corn back to the hotel with her. Mike is trying to find seeds for her to take back. Also we served salad, steamed veggies, and dinner rolls. We had an appitizer tray of assorted fruits and veggies out and the fresh cherries were the hit on that front. Mike also bought 2 cases of Chinese beer (special ordered for him from our local party store) and for a while I was afraid that would not be enough. They brought Mike 2 bottles of the rice alchol that he got so sick on in China because they drink so much of it, but they turned it down when he offered to toast with it. Mrs. Shu presented me with a beautiful Chinese fan. We had also brought Mackinaw Island fudge home with us from our rally, so we served slices of 5 different flavors of fudge for dessert. They had never had fudge before and really liked it. When they left, Mr. Li, the head of operations in China told us through the translator that our hospitality had been as sweet as our dessert and they enjoyed their time with us. Mike had taken them across the street to the rug weaving place, some of our Amish neighbors, (so I could clean up from dinner and get ready for dessert) and they bought several purses from Sarah, and her husband (I can never remember his name) showed everyone the new buggy they got just last week. All in all, our dinner party was a sucess. Now to rest........until tomorrow for Mike's birthday party.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
I'm Back!!
No, I didn't fall off the face of the Earth ( or even into Lake Michigan! ) Last week was our working vacation - alright, Mike worked, the rest of us were on vacation - to Mackinaw City. We spent Saturday and Sunday being tourists, and Mike had to work Monday - Thursday. On the last night, there was a rally dinner we went to as a family, and we sat with some people who Mike had worked on their coach a couple times during the week. The wife could not quit singing Mike's praises ( I would have been jealous had she not been in her late 60's!!! ) Anyway, as she was telling some other couple about Mike coming back to her coach a second time to help her out, she kept looking at the boys. She finally turned to me and told me that as often as she has seen Mike this week, she would know just by looking at the boys that they belong to him. HMMMM...maybe biology doesn't count for much - are we looking at the "Nature or Nurture" debate for the way the offspring look?
We came home on Friday night, and now we are working hard to finish up the inside of the house for the visit of Mike's Chinese co-workers. Mike is the procrastionator who just knows it will all come together in the end. I, on the other hand, am nervous that there is still so much that needs to be done. Wish us luck - I see long nights in our future!!
We came home on Friday night, and now we are working hard to finish up the inside of the house for the visit of Mike's Chinese co-workers. Mike is the procrastionator who just knows it will all come together in the end. I, on the other hand, am nervous that there is still so much that needs to be done. Wish us luck - I see long nights in our future!!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
What a Week
Sadie went to the vet yesterday for a shot (actually a nasal mist- who knew they make those for dogs too?). The vet weighed her and in the 6 weeks since her last appointment she gained 20 pounds!! She is 4 1/2 months old and now weighs 44.4 pounds. She's a big girl. My nephews are spending a few days with us, so the two youngest went with me -- ugggh, the complaining "why can't we stay here and the other boys watch us?" Yeah, right, 4 boys alone in the house - not gonna happen. We had an early dinner (Mike had an errand to run) and then took the boys to Yups for ice cream.
We've had a busy time, working on the house:
I have painted: ceiling in the kitchen and hall way
walls in the hall and half the living room (other half goes today)
the front door, inside and out
and spray painted the kitchen register
I have put up or on:
two registers in the living room
replaced the register in the bathroom
the toe kick around the kitchen cabinets and the kitchen register
Mike "helped me" put a handle on the front door (I just wanted help with one part, he ended up doing it all)
Mike has:
taken off the double doors in the living room to the office
framed up a wall to replace them
put on drywall, mudded, taped, and sanded and a coat of primer on that
tried to work on the crown molding over the kitchen cupboards - kept splitting and the angles on part of it had to be looked up since the cupboards come together on a 45 degree angle, then to cut for the molding angle, well you get the idea....
Cut the toe kick for me (He has a fancy, smancy new saw courtesy of the one ruined in the apartment vandalism)
fixed the door between the kitchen and dining room (it is now functional instead of stuck open) and put a coat of polyurethane on it
Tried to fix the new handle we put on the front door, but it broke again (actually was the original handle he had on, but he took it off several years ago)
There are still tons of things that need to be done. Where does the time go? When we went to bed last night my feet ached from painting barefoot all day (got to remember to wear those orthotics for stuff like that) and my back ached from all the painting ( bending over, stretching, ladder climbing). I'm getting old - I could not move from the bed, even when I decided some Motrin would be a good thing.
We've had a busy time, working on the house:
I have painted: ceiling in the kitchen and hall way
walls in the hall and half the living room (other half goes today)
the front door, inside and out
and spray painted the kitchen register
I have put up or on:
two registers in the living room
replaced the register in the bathroom
the toe kick around the kitchen cabinets and the kitchen register
Mike "helped me" put a handle on the front door (I just wanted help with one part, he ended up doing it all)
Mike has:
taken off the double doors in the living room to the office
framed up a wall to replace them
put on drywall, mudded, taped, and sanded and a coat of primer on that
tried to work on the crown molding over the kitchen cupboards - kept splitting and the angles on part of it had to be looked up since the cupboards come together on a 45 degree angle, then to cut for the molding angle, well you get the idea....
Cut the toe kick for me (He has a fancy, smancy new saw courtesy of the one ruined in the apartment vandalism)
fixed the door between the kitchen and dining room (it is now functional instead of stuck open) and put a coat of polyurethane on it
Tried to fix the new handle we put on the front door, but it broke again (actually was the original handle he had on, but he took it off several years ago)
There are still tons of things that need to be done. Where does the time go? When we went to bed last night my feet ached from painting barefoot all day (got to remember to wear those orthotics for stuff like that) and my back ached from all the painting ( bending over, stretching, ladder climbing). I'm getting old - I could not move from the bed, even when I decided some Motrin would be a good thing.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
One Tired Puppy
When we went to pick Steven up from camp we left Sadie with my parents, Pete decided to stay there too so he did not have to spend the whole day in the car. I knew my sister was coming down to spend the day at my parents but we weren't sure if my nephews would be there as well. When we got there to pick up Sadie and Pete we found that the nephews were indeed there, and every time Sadie tried to lay down to take her daily 3 hour nap, someone would wake her up to play. So, home we came, unloaded the plastic kiddie pool that we bought her today, and fed her dinner. When Pete took her out to potty, we filled up the 5 foot pool and in she went!!! She jumped, she splashed, she tried to catch the fish that are painted on the bottom of the pool. It was great. Now she is snoring - loudly - in her crate at 9 PM, I'm sure she won't stir until morning.
The Hold-Out
When we were on our honeymoon last year, Mike told me that this year I could pick where we go on our family vacation, the only stipulation, we both agreed, was it should be somewhere "fairlee" close to home. When Mike's job decided to send him to Macanaw this year, we decided to go as a family, have a weekend of fun and then the evenings after he is done for the day. I assumed we would just count that as our forward to this morning when we were on our way to pick Steven up from camp (he had a fabulous time and can't wait for next year). We stopped at a rest area, and while I was waiting for Mike, I began browsing the tourist brouchers. My little eye spied right away one labeled "Santa Clause, IN". Well, hold the phone... Pete and I love Christmas, this sounds promising. Oh, yeah. Big Christmas store (like Bronners), a campground on Lake Roudolph, right next to the Holiday Time Theme Park, and the campground has a light show set to music at night. Out comes Mike fromt the bathroom to the ambush "You've been holding out on me, why didn't you ever tell me about Santa Clause, IN?" Needless to say, reservations were made this morning, and we are all set for a weekend of Christmas the middle of summer.
Friday, July 16, 2010
The Chinese Are Coming
I feel like Paul Rever saying that. So, a few months after we thought they would be here, they are coming next week and staying a couple weeks. They are staying at a local inn at the best Amish restaurant here in town. Mike ordered and received 2 cases of Chinese beer to make them feel at home (they asked him last night if they can bring us some Chinese Rice Wine ( Mike hates that stuff!! Very potent, very bad hangover the next morning). 3 days after we come home from vacation, they are coming here for dinner. I still don't have any idea what we are eating. Not even sure if I am cooking or Mike is grilling out ( a very American summer meal!!) I'm thinking we may have hamburgers, brats, corn on the cob.....MMMMM. Once they get here, Mike wants to take them out to the Chinese restaurant here in town to show them what American Chinese food is like. He knows that Western food is not the same in China as it is here.
On the up side, Mike wants to get the main floor of the house done before they come to dinner. That makes me very happy.
On the up side, Mike wants to get the main floor of the house done before they come to dinner. That makes me very happy.
Our Vandalism, Repaired
After all the work, we are done. I love the muted colors we chose, it really makes the place light, bright and look bigger. Now we are just waiting a a great rental applicant. We thought we would be taking a break right now, but one great applicant we did see wants the bottom apartment, and there is a ton of work to do in there right now. As soon as we are back from vacation, we are back to work there hot and heavy!!
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