Monday, November 1, 2010

Hodge Podge

First an appology to my husband. He feels bad about the way I portrayed him in my last entry as he sounded insensitive to my plight. In reality, I did not tell him until the very end I was so uncomfortable, so we could get that horrible job done. I was going for funny as to the similarity between building with him and my dad. Sorry, Honey.

Steve took Sadie out to go potty today and brought her back in with a head full of burrs. Apparently, she found the only burr bush in the yard and stuck her whole head in it to investigate. It took both Mike and Steve holding and petting her, while I had the scissors cutting out the burrs. Why is it that if there is ONE THING out there to get in trouble with the kids or the pets will find it??

Today was a great day! The weather was sunny and beautiful and I began putting up my outside lights for Christmas. I promised Mike that I would not begin until after Halloween and will not plug them in until Thanksgiving, but we have that new light show to figure out - I have to set up the "zones" that will flash to the music and I want to have a while to do that. Plus it is wireless so every reciever has to be close enough to communicate with the transmitter, but not too close to the other receivers. I even broke out my "White Christmas" DVD and watched Bing serenade Rosemary Clooney while I strug lights on tomatoe cages to make mini trees (I got that idea from a web site!). The weather is still great so it makes decocrating much more pleasent. When he got home from work, Mike even helped me put a couple of things out. My Hero!! Hopefully I will get the rest done tomorrow and then I just have to figure what gets put on the same cord for the "zones" then check it out to make sure it all works. Think I'm rushing the season? I have a Christmas shopping day with my mom and sister scheduled later this week to get everything kicked off.

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