Thursday, September 9, 2010

Is The Forrest Still There?

Do you remember that old saying "He can't see the forrest for the trees"? Seems that is where I have been these last few months. Apparently, I have been depressed and did not even realize it. I only do now, because I am feeling so much better this week. So, better late than never, I am making some resolutions.... I will be good to myself, taking time to relax, play with the puppy, have a bubble bath or whatever passes that day as pampering myself. I will dance my way through the housework to my favorite CD of the week (making that plan of what to do each day that I have been told is essesential to getting it all done every week). I will not let others (however unwittingly) point our how others do this house wife thing better than I do. (How many of you have told someone "When I was a kid my mom....fill in the blank here) I find that without my job as restaurant manager, I have lost my idenity. Sure, I'm "Mom", but when people I meet ask me what I do, I find myself struggeling for a description. So today, with my freshly painted toe nails, and curled hair I am beginning my new life!

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