Thursday, September 16, 2010

I'm Old

I am the mother of a teenager. Yes, I know, I look much too good to have children that old - stop laughing, I am feeling old enough. Yesterday Steven turned 13. The week after Steven was born always brings a lot of reflection of what was happening this week the year he was born. Today, I spent the day with my newborn baby boy. A day the doctors said we needed to bond before we began the scary journey into the unknown with a rare birth defect. He came via C-section in the evening, on the day he was due ( a Monday). 7 pounds, 19 inches long. The doctors did not let me hold him, they had never seen Bladder Exstrophy before and were taking pictures and sending them off to find a hospital that knew what this was and that would treat him. I did not even know anything was wrong until the Dr. came to see me in recovery and explain the situation. Finally to my room, and I got to hold my baby. Today (Tuesday) we had a quiet day as a family. This was the only day we had visitors and well-wishers, other than family, and I felt like a normal new mom. It is also the only day I was allowed to nurse my son. Many pictures were taken and run down for one hour photo developing so I would have pictures to look at in the comming days.

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