Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Moving Day

Our great tenants moved the other day from one apartment to a bigger one in the house. As usual, my darling husband and myself were a little behind on finishing the projects we had started, but we told them they could begin to move things into most of the house, but we still had a few things to finish in the kitchen and in the basement. As we were working, they were in and out with things. Now, mind you, this apartment is 2 stories, and the staircase goes in through a doorway and in about 4 steps it turns 90 degrees. Soon we heard them coming in with a Queen sized box spring. I just giggled to myself knowing there was no way they would get that up those stairs. Hubby went out to tell them to hold on, he was pretty sure they could get it in through one of the upstairs windows. Out to the barn to get the scaffolding and set it up. Off comes the framing for the storm window and unscrew a piece of wood across the top. OK, here we go. Hubby and 2 others outside heaving it up. Female tenant and me inside to guide it inside the house. Darn, it did not fit. OK, phone call to Good Will to see if they have 2 twin box springs - no luck. The final plan - Hubby got the saw and cut the frame in half. Hubby and tenant hubby fold the thing in half and again it gets heaved up from the outside but this time goes through the window. I told them to remember this, I think we get bonus "Landlord Points" for that.

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