Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Too Cute

Zach went downstairs to bring Sadie up, since Zach thought it would be cool to shut Sadie in his room- Sadie did not think it was so cool since Zach then came upstairs and left her alone.  When Zach brought Sadie up, he did not shut the kitchen door to keep Molly in the living room with us.  So I asked him (when I heard Molly walking around the kitchen) if he had put the baby gate up to keep her away from the basement stairs when he came up:

Zach, did you put up the baby gate?

HHHUUUUUUUUUU (GASP), I WILL SAVE YOU MOLLY!!!! as he ran out to the kitchen and carried Molly back into the living room (and then remembered to shut the door this time).

A little mello-dramatic, but I'm glad he loves his sister

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