Saturday, September 29, 2012

It's Liquid Gold!

Mike and I sent to the grocery store last night.  After spending the afternoon with Zach's class doing "Johnny Appleseed Day" activities, when I saw the gallons of apple cider, I just had to have one.  Now, I remember last year, I thought the price was high at $4 per gallon.  I have heard about how hard the drought was on the apple crop this year, but I just about choked (I certainly thought twice abuot buying it) when I saw the $6 price tag for a gallon of cider.  Wow!  Steven, in his typical teenage moments of clarity, said, "That's more than a gallon of gas costs!"  He's right, and I complain about gas prices to Mike fairly often.  When we got home, Mike wrote all over the cider jug not to touch it under penality of death.  Pete asked me why this morning (from the boy who opened a 2 qt bottle of juice one afternoon and it was gone soon after).  Pete, it's so one person doesn't drink it all, and we all get some.  Oh, why would you think that would happen?   yeah, I wonder.

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