Friday, February 22, 2013

Sorry, Guys

Well, I have finally  dug my way out from under a HUGE pile of tax returns.  Every week has been  bringing 15-30 hours of overtime since tax season kicked in.  That just depends on if I need to take a day off for silly things like taking kids to doctors appointments or such. 

Let's see, Zach has had a couple post surgery appointments and is good for 3 months now before he needs to go back to the doctor.  He is cathing all by himself now, home and school.  He is on a preventative antibotic to help keep infection away while he gets his routine down for cathing and making sure he keeps his hands clean.  Today he woke with a fever of 102, so he stayed home from school.

Peter is doing pretty well.  He is getting ready for his confirmation at church.  He is working today on picking his saint.  His aunt teaches confirmation class at her church and has sent him a list of saints she thought he might like.  He now has it narrowed down to three that he is researching tonight.

Steven had a very nasty bladder infection that spread out to his skin.  Two rounds of antibiotics later, and missing 7 out of 10 school days, he is finally better.

Molly is a full fledged toddeler now.  She walks a little more than she crawls, but she is definately mobile on 2 legs.  She knows the word "map" now, since we have a huge map haning in our living room, but she thinks all pictures are maps.  She LOVES looking at family pictures.

I will try to blog more now that things are slowing down at work.  See ya all soon!!

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