I finally have a peaceful morning to sit down and blog. I always seem to be looking after someone's needs lately and don't have more than a few minutes to myself. Right now Molly is sleeping in, Zach is already off to school, and the big boys are downstairs getting ready to head off in a little while.
Let's see....
Steven and his marching band are heading off to Semi-State competition this Saturday. Steve is pretty cofident they will move on to State the following weekend. They have a good chance, I think, they have never placed less than 3rd in their competitions this fall. It's great to have him so excited about something.
Peter is really growing up. He's still 13, but he has matured a lot this last year. He likes to help with his sister, and I have faith he will continue to do well this school year. He loves math, likes band, and is really throwing himself into private reading time.
Molly and Zach have both had tests with our Bladder Exstrophy doctor. I see surguries in their near futures, but I don't have details yet.
Zach is loving school still and he likes his teacher. His reading is improving daily. He is actually in 2 reading classes and English as a Second Language classes. For someone who came to the USA about 2 1/2 years ago, he's doing amazing.
Molly improves daily. She has now gained 5 lbs since we have had her. She's gone from wearing 3-6 month clothes to 12 month. She is walking when she is holding our hands and beginning to pull herself up on furniture. She is now ok letting others hold her, as long as Mike or I are close. She's eating most foods now, and only doing bottles at night and sometimes nap time. I will be glad to know this girl when she is NOT cutting teeth - she has one more coming through now, that makes about 14 teeth she has cut in the last 2 months. She only has 2 more teeth to come in and she will have them all for now.
I am almost done with my tax classes with H&R Block and will begin working for them again in November. It will be nice to get out of the house for a while and my mother in law will watch Molly while I work. I am glad it's a seasonal job, I still get to spend most of the year home with Molly - I have loved seeing all the "firsts" that I missed with the big boys while I was working full time.
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