Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's.....

Goats.  Yes, you read that right.   Our neighbors to the north have goats.  They are often in the field bordering our yard and Mike has said on several occasions we should borrow them to keep the yard mowed.  They often squeeze through the fence into our side yard, but don't usually go any farther than that and they are very shy, so if the boys even begin to walk in their direction, back they go into their own yard.  Well......Sadie was acting strange the other day.  Not having a fit barking like there was another dog in the yard, or protectively like there is a car in the driveway, so I went to investigate and saw a goat in my flower bed.  That's not cool.  We see that they stripped the leaves off of 2 trees we planted last summer, and ate 2 bushes.  One tree is broken at the crotch and is dying, one bush is too far gone to survive.  We are hoping the last 2 will make it.  Mike went over to talk with the owners to tell them what their goats have been doing.  That night, the Amish man who owns them came over after supper, with a plate of cinnamon rolls his daughter had made as an appology.  He looked at our trees and told us to give him the bill for the dead ones.  I think I don't want goats after all.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Holidays.  I thought they were set aside as days of fun and rest.  They always seem to be code for:  More work than you would have done, and you don't get paid for it!!!!

Our holiday weekend has begun pretty well.  First off, my brother-in-law came over Saturday afternoon and spent the night with us, we took him home after lunch today.  Since he lives in the big city, we did some shopping while we were there- off to Menards first to get a couple of things - and ended up buying a "Yard O Gumballs".  Yes, folks, that is a 3 foot long tube filled with red, white, and blue gumballs.   All the males in the house like to chew gum, Me?  Not so much.  I did try one today to see if they were any good, and just like I remembered gumballs, they were simply very sweet.   Yuck.  I jokingly asked Pete if he wanted my ABC gum (for those of you wondering -Mom- that means Already Been Chewed), and he took it!!!!!  That even grossed Mike out.  Then off to WalMart to pick out Pete's bike we were getting him for his birthday.  He of course, picked out one with ridiculously big tires (29 inches) telling me that this way I won't have to buy him another one.  I could not convince him that 26 inches is the normal full size bike and after this bike, I will not be buying him another one anyway.  Well, we got him the 29 inch (barely fitting it in the back of the Trail Blazer with 3 boys in the middle seat row).  When we got it home, Pete got out the Allen wrenches, to adjust the handlebars which he noticed were a bit loose.  He then took off on his ignauary trip around the yard on his new bike.  He did not even make it a full time around when a pedal fell off his bike, almost causing him to wipe out.  Mike was not happy and called WalMart to tell them whoever they had putting bikes together was not doing it properly and thank goodness our son did not get seriously hurt when that happened.  We don't think the pedal will go on properly now, after a closer look, so it will go back to the store tomorrow.  What a let down. 

Yesterday the boys and I cleaned out the garage.  It was a bit stinky from the kittens, so we swept, mopped, and deck scrubbed with Lysol and Odoban..  It smells much better now.  I even got my side of the garage cleaned out (again) so I can park in there and keep my car cooler this summer- that will make a big difference when it comes to putting Molly in the car.  Let's see, tomorrow is the actual holiday, I think we will all sleep in, then off for another day of hard work in the yard and the in-law apartment.  Whoooo, Hoooo.  Can't wait for everyone to go back to school and work on Tuesday so we can all get some rest!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Empty Nest

I have seen my friends from school talking lately about their kids graduating and the empty nest coming soon as their kids are off on their own.  I can only imagine how that must feel - yippeeee!!!! They're gone.   as well as sadness as they grow up and don't need us so much anymore.

Well, our babies have left the nest.  Yesterday I advertized on facebook garage sale pages that I had 4 kittens ready to find their homes.  Within the first half hour, I had found homes for the first two and delivered them to their new mommies.  In the next couple hours I had people wanting the last two, and this morning they went to their new homes.  I am NOT Missy's favorite person right now, since it was me who came in to take all her babies away.  Last night, I am sure she kept the last 2 close to her since all hers were not there.  I feel bad, but I know this is what must be done, we can not afford to keep the kittens, and don't have time for them anyway.  I thought Pete would be really upset when he came home to find out Oreo was already gone and he had not had time to say good-bye.  He actually was ok with it.  Mike got up a little early this morning to say good bye to the last 2 kittens.  I think Pete went out there too, before school.  They were cute, and fun, but Missy goes to the vet soon to get fixed so we don't have kittens again!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

What's in a Name?

I wish my blog had a cool name.  I like to read the blog "Attack of the Redneck Mommy" - now that's a name that pulls you in.  But coming up with my own cool name is elusive.  This had been a problem all year, as I have been trying to name my headband business that has been part of our fundraising efforts.  Lots of people have asked me for a business card.  To have a business, I must have a name, and to name a business is a lot of pressure.  It must be memorable, it must somewhat describe what I do, it must be able to adapt as products have to adapt, and I just can't seem to find it.  I make ribbon headbands, barettes, and such.  I love the Chinerse Proverb about all of us being connected by an invisable red thread.  I've thought of "Threads of Love", "Threads of Hope".  Since this started as my way to raise the money to bring home Molly, I've thought of using her name, but just can't find a "M" word for ribbons or flowers to go with her name: Molly's ________?  I have always put a lot of thought into names.  With the big boys I wanted names that are classic and stand the test of time, not the trendy stuff.  I looked at what their initials would spell and changed name choices based on that.  I looked for common spellings so they could find things in the store with their names on them, spelled correctly.  With Molly we even looked all over on line to see if  "y" or "ie" is the way it's being spelled now.  So much pressure to have the perfect name.  I guess I won't re-name my blog........

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Since our whole adoption journey started, we knew we will only have 1-2 weeks notice that it is time to go.  That seems like such a short time, because as soon as we get the word, we need to arrange for the time off at work, for the big boys to spend the time where they need to go, to see who in the world is willing to take on a 100 pound dog for that long, the cats will stay home but need to be fed and litter kept clean, mail picked up, rent collected every week and deposited so the bills can still be paid while we are gone....the list is just endless.  Mike laughs at me right now.  I have our 3 suitcases laid out in Molly's room, each half packed - I'm taking clothes I no longer want so when we leave China, the clothes will stay there, Zach got some new clothes from my mom and sister, so they are in the suitcase now, waiting for the journey, Molly's clothes are packed, I have scoured the Internet for packing lists from other adoptive families who traveled to China, so there are several things that have been bought for the trip in the suitcases too.  Then there are assorted small toys and activities designed to keep 2 children happy both through a LONG plane trip each way, and throughout the trip in the hotels while we all bond with Molly and get what I am sure will be much needed rest.  I have lists in process for the big boys packing, I have lists made for the other things that need to be arranged before we leave.  Mike says I don't need 1-2 weeks notice, I just need 1-2 hours to finish the packing.  HHMMM, that could be true other than knowing laundry will have to be done to complete it.  Mike and I are polar opposites when it comes to getting ready to go on a trip.  I begin to plan very early, compiling packing lists, seeing what will need to be bought - you all know how it is with growing kids- OK, lets try on those summer clothes and see if ANYTHING from last year still fits.......Then I begin to pack about a week ahead, adding as the trip gets closer and I think of things I had forgotten.  Over the years my anxiety has lessened a bit as money was not as tight to include, "well, I guess if I forgot it, we can buy it there".  Mike, on the other hand, is SO laid back about packing it borders on, well......stupid.  (Sorry, honey).   On Mike's second trip to China, we were seriously dating, so the night before he left, I came over to spend time with him while he packed.  He started packing that evening.  He ran up and down from the loft bedroom to the basement laundry room several times, searched for parts he needed to take with him,  searched for everyday things to take......he was packing until 2 AM, and had to leave for the airport at 6.  NEVER, NEVER, NEVER will I do that.  I sleep bad enough the night before a trip, from excitement, to stay up late packing.  I must say, his laid back attitude calms my neurosis, and my over planning has cut back on his procrastination.  I guess we fit.  Both of us, in either category, would be disasterous.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It's a Zoo

pardon my slow,one-handed typing today......we just returned from our zoo field trip,  and Zach is curled up in the chair with me - snoring loudly!!  We had a good time, although it was a small zoo, they had all the necessary animals : tiger, leopard, lions, ant eater, bison, alligators.  Zach's favorite animal today was the Chinese alligator.  So many moms came that I only had Zach and one little girl in my group.  We had an hour and a half in the zoo, ate lunch, and a couple hours at the playground.  This is what memories are made of.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Let's Party

We had a busy week.  Last weekend I was on a mission to find the party supplies needed for Steve's confirmation, and then Pete's 13th birthday.  Sunday Steve and I went off to the party store, only to be disappointed.  We came out with napkins only - I could not find any religious centerpieces, the napkins were blue, not the red color scheme I was looking for - I had already ordered the cake with red.  Off to Wal-Mart to see if they had anything- nada.  OK, off to the big city on Monday while all the kids were in school.  I found a couple things, but not really what I wanted, but sometimes you have to take what you can find.  Then I realized how much "partying" we will be doing in the next few months.  Steve confirmed Sat, Pete's birthday party on Sun, Zach will be next with a bithday in 3 weeks, when we get home from China we will have Zach and Molly's baptisms, then a "Gotcha Day" homecoming party.  The confirmation decorations can double for baptisms, found flag plates and napkins at Sams for Gotcha Day.  Pete just got colorful for his birthday and Zach will have the same for his........

Tuesday was off to the school for Zach's kindergarten, year end program.  Final party plans were made, Friday was Pete's official 13th birhday, and we took the family out to dinner to celebrate.

The kittens provided the entertainment for our parties.  We brought them up from the garage to the grassy area around the porch to play.  That had a nephew begging his dad for a kitten to take home, and an aside conversation with said nephew asking me to PLEASE bring that kitten with me to his house when I bring the big boys up there later this summer.........

I had decided that with a party Sat and again on Sun I was only baking 1 cake, so we ordered the confirmation cake.  On Saturday night I was tired so I baked Pete's cake on Sunday morning.  It was taking a while to cool so I put it in the freezer to finish cooling.  After lunch, as I was pulling it out of the freezer to frost, I dropped it.  It broke into a million pieces and was all over the floor.  Off my husband ran to the grocery store to buy a cake for the birthday party.  Who says there are no superheros?  Mike certainly saved the day.

As a family we got a great gift over the weekend - the Provincial Approval came from Homeland Security for the adoptions.  Another milestone down, now waiting for our conuslate in China to turn that document into our "Article 5".......

Monday, May 14, 2012

Not Just For Mothers Anymore

Yesterday was a busy day.  First off, it was Mother's Day and we each have a mom to celebrate with.  And 3 kids here who wanted to celebrate with me.  I told the boys the only thing I wanted was a day where they all got along and there was no fighting.  I think I got about 5 minutes of that, and it was not even a continuous 5 minutes!!  Since the boys have been old enough to pour milk out of the gallon, they have brought me breakfast in bed on Mother's Day, usually cold cereal or toast, but hey, don't look a gift horse in the mouth, right?  Yesterday we all slept in on accident.  I don't usually set the alarm for Sunday morning.  Either Mike or I usually wake up between 7 and 8 and we have plenty of time to get ready for church.  9 AM came around and Mike was shaking me awake.  His church starts at 9 and mine at 9:45.  Rush, Rush, Rush.  I was not Mommy of the Year when I threw oyster crackers in 3 cups and gave them to the boys in the car for their breakfast on the way to church-I'm not sure there is ANY nutritional value to an oyster cracker.  Then back home to take Mike's parents out to lunch for Mother's Day lunch at my second favorite restaurant here in town - my favorite is not open on Sundays.  Not only my mother-in-law's gift, but also my gift from the boys in the house. That was when I realized that I hadn't had anything for breakfast and was starving!!  Home for an hour, then off to Steven's confirmation practice and meeting my parents for Mother's Day ice cream.  Coming home brought Mike and Zach with fly swatters in hand, killing all the fruit flies that seemed to magically appear in the kitchen, while I rounded up left overs for every one's dinner.  The boys like left over night because they get to pick their own dinner.  Zach made me a card in school that said "My mom is the best because she makes me noodles".  Mike says after that, he doesn't think I'll ever turn down a request from Zach to have noodles again.  Gotta love when life is so simple.  Happy Mothers Day!!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Early Mother's Day

Tonight Mike took the Big Boys up to the apartment house to do yard work.  I decided to take myself upstairs for some quality Mommy Time.  I drew a great HOT bath drawn in the jacuzzi tub, added the bath salts I got for Christmas - see how much time I have to use this stuff right away?  MMMM, a wonderful bath (even though that was of course the time Zach picked to want to talk to me about his day- and we had already discussed his day when he got home from school!) and then my yummy smelling vanilla body lotion.  Now I'm sitting here watching M*A*S*H re-runs with Zach in my lap.

Zach learned to draw hearts this week.  He keeps cutting out hearts for me and then writing on them "I <3 you"  (only the hearts he draws are not sideways!)

This evening Mike and I went out to get the kittens from the garage.  We took them outside and set them in the grass for the first time ever.  Our little MaMa took the opportunity to eat her dinner, then she came out to join the fun.  She got nervous if the babies wandered too far and she kept calling them back to her when one or more started to get away from us.  I wish my kids would come back when I called them the way the babies did for Missy.  Mike, as always, was the kitten whisperer.   All animals love him.  At one time 3 of the kittens had used their claws to climb up his pant legs as he was kneeling in the grass, and the 4th was sniffing the grass by his shoes.  I've now seen 3 of the babies nibbling on cat food.  Tomorrow they are 5 weeks old, almost time to find them new homes.  Mike is a sucker for Precious, and she is the one I am pretty sure that I have a home for.  Although he also likes Saanctuus, he's got a nice coat.  They are all cute if you ask me and each has it's own personality.  Happy Mother's Day, Missy, and Happy Birthday, Babies!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Living By The Clock

I can't remember when the world was black and white.  Or when the things that needed done were set by what time it is, not by the 20 things everyone has asked me to do since they got up this morning.  Zach still lives in that black and white world.  Things are either right or they are wrong.  Either good or bad.  I live in a hundred shades of gray.  You know what I mean....... Zach, lying is wrong.  Mommy- Unless the truth will hurt someone's feelings, unless the truth is best omitted, unless it's easier to tell the kids something else like "mommy, how did the baby GET in that lady's tummy?"  Zach knows that he gets up at 6:15 in the morning - when the big hand is on the 3;  he goes out to wait for the bus at 7:00- when the big hand is on the 12; he gets in the shower at 6:45 - when the big hand is on the 9; and to bed at 7:15 - when the big hand is on the 3.  Usually I have to remind him, but tonight the big boys and Mike were out working in the In-Law apartment, and I lost track of time.  At 6:50, Zach came up to me to tell me "Mom, it's shower time".  My goodness he is right.  Down he gets sent down to shower.  He can do everything from turning on the water to getting his hairwashed and rinsed alone, and but he always wants someone to go downstairs with him.  Whoever goes with him can come up after he steps in and he is fine with that.  Tonight, I told him the big boys were with Daddy, so he should just go get in.  "But what if there is a spider down there?"   AAAHHHH, I FINALLY figured out why he always wants someone to go down with him -I know he hates bugs and spiders, I also know there are tons of spiders around the house.  Apparently he finds them in the bathroom often enough to need pest control to go in ahead of him to clear the area.  The big boys are the guys that go into the war zone ahead of the troops to scope out the terrain.  Hope they are up to scoping out the area ahead of Molly too!!


When we had the end of season dinner for my job at H&R Block back in April, I won a gift card for my favorite local restaurant.  Tonight I decided that instead of just going to dinner with Mike, we should go spend it in the Amish bakery attatched to the restaurant......FRESH strawberry pie ( really, they made it for us while we waited, since they were out) and some donuts for breakfast.  We just had pie with the boys, YUM!  Even Zach ate his whole piece, and they were pretty big pieces.  Too bad Pete doesn't like any kind of pie.  He really misses out sometimes.  There are 2 pieces left now.  I KNOW Mike will want me to put one in his lunch tomorrow, and I KNOW that since it was MY gift card the other piece will be part of my lunch.  There are some really good perks to my job sometimes!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Back to the Doctor

Yesterday we made the all day trip to the pediatric urologist for Zach's first exam since he has been living with us.  Because Bladder Exstrophy is so rare, only a few doctors in the country are qualified to treat these kids.  Luckily we have a very good one, just 2 1/2 hours away from us.  Steven has been going there since birth ( every time we go and see tiny babies there, it brings it all back ).  Zach was understandably worried about seeing the Dr.  When you have had as much medial stuff and surgery as these kids have, the fear of going to the Dr. just comes with the territory.  We assured him is was just for the Dr. to take a look, picked up my mom to go with us, and off we went.  It is May, and I didn't even think what that meant - construction season has begun and we were delayed on the highway.  UUUHHH.  Then, Mom reminded me about he last time we went in May, since the hospital is at a college, we happened to hit move out day for the students, and the normally confusing roads were made more so by closings and temporary one way streets.   I was already worried because the construction had set us behind schedule, PLEASE, PLEASE don't let today be move out day!!!  Luck was on my side and it was not.  Next challege, finding a parking spot in the parking garage, usually a chore at anytime of the day.  We just starting looking when my eagle eyed mom spotted brake lights - she saw a car getting ready to pull out of a spot close to where we were- better yet, REALLY close to the doors of the hospital.  OK, that hurtle down, off to the registration desk to get his blue registration card since he's never been here before.  Luckily, I had given all the info over the phone when I made the appointment, so they only needed to print the card - no one in line ahead of me so in and out of that area.  Last challenge - this was not our usual Dr. from the Ped Ur. Dept, and the office was not where I usually go in the hospital.  There are ALWAYS lots of helpful staff in the halls and we quickly were pointed in the right direction to the office.  (Later we found out this section of the hospital has just re-opened last week and everyone has been moved around, we went to visit the office we usually take Steve to after Zach was done and they are no longer there either).  Our appointment was scheduled for 10:30, and I hit the office registration desk at 10:32 ---Whew!  I get 3/4 through the paperwork on the clipboard, and they call Zach back to the room.  We had a bit of a wait for the Dr. but I had my Kindle and books on it for Zach, so we did a lot of reading out loud while waiting.  I really liked this new Dr., however he is the partner of our usual Dr, and our regular one handles most of the BE cases.  I at least feel good knowing that if we have to see his partner again, we will be in good hands.  Zach has now been assesed (all looks good), we filled out the paperwork to transfer his records from the Dr. who did his surgery here in the USA.  We have a Dr. note on the way for the Dept of Immigration to extend his Visa.  And an appointment set up for tests and another Dr. visit next month.  Best of all for Zach, Grammy bought him a Happy Meal from McDonalds for lunch, and I even caught her in the play area shooting baskets with him - Who are you and what did you do with MY mom (who NEVER in a million years would have allowed ANYONE to call her Grammy)?  Zach had been telling me since we dropped my mom back at her car what a great day we had.  Good Dr. experiences like this really help setting his mind at ease for future appointments.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Thanks Honey

I'm back.  Last Thursday, after a week of feeling awful and tired all the time with this cold, I made an appointment with the Doctor.  I was pretty sure my cold had turned into Bronchitis (even though my sister tells me that Bronchitis is not a thing anymore), and of course, I've been having lots of hot flashes while I'm down.  The Dr. listened to my lungs and confirmed my Bronchitis (ha, sis), she said it was pretty bad, and if these antibiotics didn't clear it up, she was going to send me for a chest x-ray and blood work.  I also had a "raging" ear infection, and a sinus infection.  She gave me both a breathing treatment and a shot of anitbiotics before I left the office to get my treatment kicked off.  Of course, my throat is all swollen and sore, and she gave me great big "horse pills" for my antibiotic. Yesterday I finally started feeling better. 

My husband and kids have pitched in around the house so I could just rest, and the house looks pretty good this morning.  The laundry even got about half done without me.  Today I am not feeling 100%, and I still need my inhaler as my lungs are laboring, but on I go, back to the demands of life.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I believe my kids, and possibly my darling husband too, thought I was making my twisted ankle a bigger deal than it really was, so yesterday morning I showed everyone the 3 inch long x 1 inch high bruise that I had discovered just under my ankle bone.  I don't think I ever twisted my ankle bad enough to bruise before.  (At first Pete thought it was dirt instead of a bruise - No, son, I wash everything when I shower, I don't get a dirt line on MY feet around the top of my shoes) It's amazing how helpful everyone became after that.  "No, Mom, you just sit there, what do you want for breakfast?" "I'll get that, Mom, don't get up."  It's kind of nice to get taken care of once in a while when I am usually everyone's care taker.  It's getting better.  Walking doesn't bother me too much until the end of the day.  Stairs are hard all the time.  And it hurts more to touch it right now than to put weight on it.  And before you say it, Dad, I know "So don't touch it"  Thanks!  And to add insult to  injury - lliterally - both boys told me they have stepped in that same hole before.  HHMMMM.  And no one thought to fill it in?  Nope, they didn't think of that.  I know what they are going to be doing tonight between the rain drops!

Molly's Room

 This is my favorite wall.  These are 2 "24 inch" panda wall decals and flower, grass, and butterfly decals.  It took me all afternoon to do this, but I LOVE how it came out!!

I managed to make Molly's very small room seem bigger-I put the changing table in the hallway outside her door

We have finally completed Molly's room.  I spent Saturday staining doors and trim and Mike put them up on Sunday.  We had to go with double doors, because this will go back to being our office someday and without a large doorway, we will never get my big desk back in there.  Please ignore the suitcases in the crib, this is also my staging room for getting ready to travel to China.

Molly, I can't wait to bring you home!!!

It's Back!

I finally see signs of the economy recovering.  Yes, I have seen several signs this spring advertizing help wanted.  But the biggest sign, the one that means the most is overtime.  Mike's boss told them there was to be no overtime about 3 years ago.  If they work over one day, they need to go home early another.  Last week Mike's boss asked for volenteers to work on Saturday.  Mike jumped on it.  By Thursday, he told me that all this week they are on manditory overtime working 10 hour days.  His boss is even going to add 2 more service techs to the shop.  When Mike started in the service shop, there were about 30 techs working there.  Now they are down to 4 and have been for 3 years.  I doubt the days of 30 guys in the shop will come back, but good to see them having so much work again.

Our St. Newfie

So this morning I don't feel real good.  I have a cold that's just dragging me down.  Before the boys left for school, Sadie came over to me, kissing me.  So I started giving her attention asking how my Lover Girl was this morning.  Pete said "Lover Girl?  You should call her Slobber Girl."  Now I had to be offended on behalf of my Sadie Girl.  The St. Bernard part of her is a "dry mouth", and really, she doesn't slobber any more than any other dog I've owned.  Now the St. Bernard we had when I was growing up.......let's just say it's a good thing he was an outside dog.  I said, Pete, remember that movie we have, Bethoven?  That's how most St. Bernards slobber.  Oh, he says, I thought they had just saved up dog slobber to make it seem worse.  Nope, that's pretty much the way they are.