Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Day In The Life

Mike has decided that he likes that I am not working now, staying home, able to keep the house clean, meals prepared, and laundry done. I like it too. Lower stress than being "The Boss", home when the boys get home from school, able to potty train the puppy easier. HOWEVER....with working on the rental, it has not been happening that way. I've really had to scale back my time at the rental so I can be home more. So, what are my days like? HMMMM
5:45 AM (or thereabout) the puppy begins barking for me to get up and take her out to potty
Make sure that Pete is out of bed and getting ready for school
Get Pete out the door to the bus stop and make sure that Steve is up and take the puppy out
Get Steve out the door to the bus stop, pack up the puppy, and leave for the rental
Meet the people we hired to do the work, give them their task for the day and I work on the stuff I
am working on. Take the puppy out several more times. She does have a tree she likes to lay
under, so she has a chain on it so she can spend time out there - one of her favorite nap spots!
Lunch time - make sure the workers are set for the rest of the afternoon and head home.
Grab lunch "to go". Put the puppy in her crate to nap away the afternoon and I have a couple
hours to get some housework done, and dinner started.

Unfortuantely, Mike and the boys are having to pitch in on the chores the way they did when I worked full time. I consol myself with the idea this will be over soon - the upstairs will be ready to rent soon and our days will begin to return to normal. The downstairs will be done about a month after the other one. Things are definately begining to look like we are getting close to the end. And I am ready for that!!

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